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The world of Altoria was once a rich and diverse planet, filled with magic, gods and a variety of races. But, over the span of millennia things began to change. A single god began to over power the rest, her reach smothering out the influence of the others, until, eventually, she was the only one remaining.

Seraph was a vain and greedy god, but one loved greatly by humanity, whom she favored above all others. As the other gods began to fade into the nether, Seraph reveled in the fact that she was all powerful, and loved above any one else.

Following their god's views on the world, humanity began a holly war against 'non-human' races. To them, the races were impure, as they had once been human, but decided to change themselves, leaving behind Seraph's grand design for their race. Humanity began a generations long war to drive them out, claiming that they were in cahoots with humanities greatest enemies: Monsters.

More and more, humanity, lead by Seraph, drove the demi-humans out into the Wastes. These demi-humans have had to eek out a life amongst deplorable conditions, not the least of which being a dying environment and intense numbers of monsters. All the while, the fog of corruption would spread, contaminating and killing all in its wake.

Meanwhile, humanity continued to live in prosperity at the center of the world where Seraph, with the aid of her chosen Saints, kept the corruption at bay.

The Saints are seen as messengers of Seraph, summoned from another world to purify the land of monsters and the corruption they bring. These Saints are seen as heroes and appear about every one hundred years or so.

Our story starts at the beginning of one of these Saint summoning's. Seraph has decided that she wants the war over, once and for all. The last of the old gods are removed due to her great works, the demi-humans are either on their last legs or working as slaves to humanity, and the monsters have no hope of reaching her most vaulted humans in their protected sanctuary. She believes that if she can just remove the last vestiges of the old world than the monsters and the corruption will cease, leaving Altoria for good, and allowing her humans to spread out over the whole of the planet, finally making the world perfect as the god, Seraph, saw it.

Using the most power she had ever put toward the effort, Seraph initiates a summoning. To her shock she does not bring forth a single human soul, but three! So impressed with her self, she almost misses the fact that one of the souls is less than perfect.

Only the purest and most just souls could be brought to her world, and become Saints for her cause. And, one of these souls was not up to par. Seraph could see the darkness of it that told her that it was a tortured, broken soul. Other gods may have had pity for this soul, but not Seraph. She saw it as a disgusting and hateful thing.

Not wanting to taint her humans with such a soul, and pleased enough with the fact that she was able to summon two other saints, Seraph simply tosses the extra soul aside, sending it toward the Wastes where she was sure it would wither and vanish amongst the Corruption.

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