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The visit to Jean's house marked a before and after in their relationship. They didn't talk about it again, and nothing out of the ordinary had happened either, but Lena could feel it. It was in the way they acted with each other, always keeping the other in mind, helping each other, sharing private jokes. Jean had made it a point to help her get better at training, and when there was cleaning to be done they always ended up doing it as a pair, without having agreed to it beforehand. She felt closer to him than ever.

That day at Trost had ended up being a display of vulnerability and trust on both of them. Lena recalled with some embarrassment the moment when she'd been unable to control her emotions at the first mention of her parents. Thinking about it with a cool head, a few days later, she felt it was justified. That day had been a glimpse of what her life could've been like if her parents hadn't left her so young. The hugs, the affection, the portraits, the bedroom full of drawings, the toys... A happy childhood, as any child should have. What were memories for Jean, for her was an empty hole in her heart. Crying in Mrs. Kirstein's arms had been almost cathartic.

Sasha had peppered her with questions as soon as she had arrived that night, but Lena decided it was best to keep the more special feelings to herself. She told her that she had left him at her door and had taken to strolling the streets of Trost. She loved Sasha dearly, but she knew the chances of her inadvertently running her mouth were too high.

There was a calm atmosphere at headquarters, Lena could feel it in herself and her comrades. In general everyone was going through a quiet time after the whirlwind of tragedy that had been the first two months in the Survey Corps.

In the wake of the unbanning of the First Squad of the interior Police, it was discovered that the crown had been preventing technological advances from being made. Several workshops were found with sketches of new tools and weapons being carried out in secret, and Hange and her team took it upon themselves to implement them for military use.

Thanks to the new technology development team, the crystals in the cavern began to be used as a source of light and energy. These went beyond military boundaries and were used in a domestic and industrial context too. Within a short time, most homes enjoyed having light even at night, as did factories. This caused all types of industry to speed up production, and more jobs were created.

On the other hand, Queen Historia created a plan for all homeless children to have a decent childhood, setting up orphanages where she housed even the children who came from the Underground. Captain Levi became heavily involved in this project, and it was then that his squad learned that he himself came from this place.

Consequently, Squad Levi spent a lot of time helping the queen with her orphanages and the children.

One of the best weapon advancements was thanks to Eren's new hardening ability. Hange and her team devised the ultimate weapon for killing titans without having to expose human lives, dubbed the "Executioner from Hell." It consisted of a huge log, held in place by a pulley system, which was dropped on a titan from the top of the wall and collapsed them with one blow. Eren had created a sort of protective net where the soldiers took refuge while luring the titans. It ended up being a great success.

Finally, Hange's most ambitious creation was the thunder spears. These were a sort of projectile that caused an explosion strong enough to pierce and knock down a tree with a single charge.

Lena couldn't wait to get her hands on one of those metal cylinders, but since they were so powerful they had to be very careful with them and couldn't practice like they would with simple shotguns. The only thing that worried her was the recipient of those projectiles: Hange had ordered them especially to finish off the Armored.

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