" i chose you as my rider " the dragon said standing up and lowered its head for amelia to press her head against it's own head.

amelia did as the dragon said and smiled, " why did you pick me? "

" most riders who approach me are evil and have wicked hearts, they only like me for my size. pretty one, you are different because i know you aren't evil and you have a pure heart. you are a protector, just like my old rider once was "

" can you tell me your name? "

" my name is celestial or you may call me celeste, what is your name? "

" my name is amelia elsher, or lia for short. most people call me pretty though "

celeste lowered her body for amelia to climb on, she thightened her legs around celest's body and her wings came out.

" i shall call you pretty one then " celeste said flapping her wings and shot herself in the air.

amelia smiled as they were in the air, the wind hitting her blonde hair as they soared through the sky. the elsher girl felt so free and alive.

she laughed as celeste was going even higher, almost reaching the clouds. amelia looked down and saw the beautiful leaves that had fallen and the entire war college that seemed so small when they were in the air.

after some time, both of them land next to violet who had also bonded with a dragon. it was the black morningstartail that jack so badly wanted. amelia was glad that the jackass didn't get them because if he had a strong dragon like them it would be game over.

" you bonded! " violet smiled, she was standing next to her dragon.

amelia slipped off celest's back and hugged her friend, she was worried for nothing then.

" so did you, we have matching dragons " amelia squealed which violet squealed back.

violet and amelia headed towards the woman who was calling roll, violet's mother and amelia's father were present.

even though her father would never say it in front of everyone, amelia knew he was proud because of the look her gave her then gave celeste.

" amelia elsher, what is the name of your dragon? " woman said.

" celestial " amelia said, the name shocked everyone, even violet's mother was shocked.

celeste hadn't bonded with anyone since her first rider died during the rebellion, ever since then she had been super picky about her riders. in fact she's been known to kill most first years during threshing because they didn't meet her standards for a new rider.

she was very dangerous and most people are scared of her, amelia's father smiled at little at the name of her dragon. he knew that celest would pick her because of his daughter's personality.

" violet sorrengial, for the record, please tell me the name of the dragon who chose you " the woman said directing her attention to violet.

violed lifted her chin and smiled, " tairneanach "

" and andarnaurram "

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