Chapter 19

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All I've been thinking about and doing this whole week. I haven't slept. I haven't been to practice. I haven't talked to anyone let alone Alex. I didn't even know if the date was still on for Saturday. What if she changed her mind because I was ignoring her.

I wasn't but I didn't have any time. She would text me, asking why I wasn't in practice I would answer a simple "I'm busy with the project." I'd go offline for a couple of more hours.

I got 8 hours of sleep this whole week and 7 of them were on Monday. While calculating my hours of sleep a noise pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked at my desk to see my phone ringing. I grabbed it and saw Alexis name pop up on the screen, which  confused me since it was 3 in the morning.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You picked up." She said on the other line.

"Well you called, of course I'd pick up." I said.

"Right." She chuckled.

The line went silent and I decided to ask her.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" She asked back.

"Alex. It's three in the morning." I said.

"And?" She said once again.

"What And?? You don't call someone at three in the morning just to say nothings wrong." I said. "So tell me. What's up?" I continued.

"What? I just wanted to talk to you." She said.

"You scared me I thought something had happened." I sighed.

"No, everything is fine but I have a question for you." She said.

"Shoot." I said while spinning on my chair.

"Why are you awake?" She asked.

"Crazy. I wanted to ask you the same thing?" I said.

"I'm working." She said shortly.

"Hey! So am I!" I said trying to seem surprised.

"Did you leave it for the last moment?" She sighed.

"Did you?" I asked back.

"No, no I didn't." Sheri said.

"Neither did I. In fact I was about to go to bed." I said standing up and making my way towards my room.

"Do you think you can survive on four hours of sleep tomorrow?" She genuinely asked.

"I've gotten a total of 8 hours of sleep this whole week. I don't think that four will make it worse." I said as I dropped on my bed.

"Didn't you get like 6 hours asleep just on Monday?" She said confused.

"7 actually and yeah, the other nights are magic." I giggled.

"You're crazy." She said laughing.

After a couple of seconds of silence she said. "So."

"So?" I questioned.

"So, are you still up for the date?" She said like she had just read my mind.

"Yes, yeah absolutely. Why wouldn't I be?" I said rushingly.

"Well, all the stress about the project, I thought it would scare you away." She said.

"Oh no no, I'm absolutely in for Saturday." I said.

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