Win-win... Right?

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'It hurts, doesn't it?'
I was flouting in what seemed like eternal darkness.
"What? Who said that!?"
There was suddenly a sharp pain in my skull. It was like a jackhammer was set to crazy mode.
'I am zeref, your brother. I am the one who turned you into a demon'
I thrashed in pain.
"Ugh! make it stop! AHH!'
My right eye started throbbing.
I would feel something crawling under my skin like a worm.
'Ah, yes. You are awakening, you powers of demon heart.'
"Powers!? what po-AH!" The same started happening to my right wrist, traveling up my arm.
"...Natsu? Oh my god, SOMEONE! GET WENDY!" I could've sworn that sounded like...
"Lucy? Lucy! I'm here! I'm-UGH!" The pain only intensified when Wendy tried to heal it. Zeref chuckled.
' This all could end, If you just let me guide you. Stop resisting. Let the power that has been dormant in you so long grow and overwhelm you.' Upon hearing his words the pain noticeably dulls.
"But, what about my friends? will they be affected by any of this?"
'My goodness no! they will be completely safe from anyone. In fact, with this new power you could protect them from anyone. It's a win-win! so, what do you say?' I doubted what he said for a moment. I mean, I was still completely in the dark, but the moment I did the pain increased ten fold!
"ARGH-AH!!! Ok*pant* just make this stop!" zeref laughed a menacing laugh, and suddenly knew I had gotten myself into a lot of trouble. Then everything went dark, until I could just barely make out a strange face and a bright light.

Shadows fill the memories(a fairy tail fanfic: book one!)Where stories live. Discover now