He paused for a moment Seeming Nervous about the whole thing. “I do hope you will at least consider it. I shall return in a few days time for another check up on you and the baby's health.” With that the man turned and left as well leaving me, Zena and varin.

I rubbed my arms as the strong front I had before faded away, being replaced by the rage and turmoil of uncertainty at my core.

“Alita, are you alright?” Varin came over giving me a hug and I nodded. y-yeah now that you're here. Thank you guys for coming.”

“don't mention it, I just wish we got here sooner.” varin sighed.

Zena scoffed, drawing our attention to her and I was a bit surprised to see the scowl on her face. “To think they would have the gull to corner a woman in her own home! I can't believe those asshats. If they attempt something like this again I'll charge them with harassment. And they can spend the night in a cell.” 

I smiled at Lena's remark, appreciating her concern. We didn't know each other well but she and Varin had been by my side since I woke up. 

Varin turned back to me with concern in his eyes as he looked me over. “How about I stay here for the next few nights. I'll make sure no one else tries to bother you and keep you some company.

“Varin, you don't have to–”

“I insist.” He cut me off, before continuing.” Who knows what those bastards will try to pull next?” 

I was silent as my gaze dropped to the floor with a tired sigh. I nodded in agreement to him staying. Truthfully being alone in this house wasn't exactly ideal for me either way. It was too quiet. But I didn't want to burden Varin and make him stay with me instead of zena…he has his own life to live as well.

“Good, then it's settled. I should still have some clothes here so I don't need to go get anything to bring back… how about we go out to eat?”


“You guys go ahead without me, I have some business to take care of back at the office. Jack and Ben will stay close by in case anything happens alright?”

“sure, thanks sweetie.” Varin gave her a warm smile. 

“Don't thank me yet this shitshows far from over.” Zena waved before leaving.

“Let me go get changed and then We can head out, we can even go to your favorite restaurant!.. just– don't let the scientist's words get to you ok?” 

“I won't, I promise.” I reassured him with a smile.

“Good, gimme a few and I'll be right out.” He patted My head before walking off to his old room to get ready.

As soon as I was left alone in the living room my smile faded as the quiet filled the air. 

Turning back to the open drawer behind me my eyes immediately locked onto the single piece of folded up paper inside. 

Hesitantly I grabbed the paper and closed the drawer before stepping over to the couch To sit down.  The paper was a single page from my notebook, folded in half.

Hesitantly I unfolded It and nearly stopped breathing, seeing that all too memorable face staring back at me.


This was the drawing of him sitting on a rock staring at me that I had made that day at the river. Back then I hardly knew anything about him, I hadn't known exactly just how sweet and sincere he was because he alway wore a scornful look. I chuckled a bit at just how perfectly I had managed to capture that stern look on his face in this picture.

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