God slaying part fucking six

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Hello im back and what do you want for the next special so i can already plan it and do you want 20 or 25 k visit special


Alow: Well im back guys

Issei: Hello Alow

Kanna: Hello uncle

Alow: Hello Issei,Kanna

Issei: So we will start seeing the new form

Alow: Yes issei

Alow: We will continue now guys

everybody got settled and ready to watch

{I, who has been forgotten.} A deep demonic voice said menacingly.

Issei: Whoho lets go

The pillar of pur black and crimson red energy was erupting like a volcano making the hole country shake

Michael: With that amount of power he could destroy the world

Azazel: Oh they are fucked

{I am the forbidden existence that has destroyed all the principles of God} the deep demonic voice continued. The air grew thicker with each word and melqart started feel an emotion he haven't felt for millennias..... fear.

Issei: Ohhoh the chant is sick

Alow: Yes but be quiet for once and just enjoy it

{I will crush the infinite and conquer the dream.} The voice continued. A siluette of a figure could be seen started to form. The form was distorted a dragon like figure with two massive horns on each side of his head.

{I will become the Demonic Crescent Dragon that has been betrayed by all.} Powerful black lighting bolts started to clash from the darkened sky at the ground causing giant craters.

Issei: Oh that line is nice

Azazel: damn you are right it is sick

Sirzechs: damn the context behind that line is good

'This power.... I never felt something so mighty.' Melqart thought to himself while slowly getting the feeling that he fucked up big time and will have to face the consequences.

Issei: What gave the hint

Ophis: I dont know

'How interesting.' Verethragna said mentally to himself while not being really afraid but his body was telling him to run the FUCK away if he wanted to live.

{I will Annihilate you in the crimson black Hell}






Vali: DAMN 'I will annihilate you in crimson black hell' That is sick

Kuroka: I agree nya~

Bikou: But the name of the form 'CRIMSON CRESCENT OVERDRIVE'

Issei: Way to sick

Ophis: I agree

*with the leader*

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