The god slaying part 1

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Moin guys im back I wanna ask what do you want for a 10k viewer special should I bring Issei out of crimson crescent dragon in the theater


Alow continued after waht happens in the break

Alow: Well we will continue now with the story

(Issei's home)

''You want me to do what now?'' Issei asks the blond human who asked something he never expected to hear.

''You heard me correctly Issei. I need you to help defend Italy from a rouge god.'' Erica repeated to the still shocked Issei. Issei eventually calmed down and sat back on the sofa.

''Okay, but why do you think that I will be able to defeat this god?'' Issei asks.

''The spies in our organisation discovered that you possessed an immense amount of power and was able to defeat the whole gremory peerage with ease when the fallen angel raynare revealed the truth about your reincarnation.'' Erica said honestly

Azazel: Oh shit

Apophis: She did not just said taht right

Crom: She did

Rias: Why are you all concerned about waht she said?

Sirzechs: I know you did a few dumb things but didn't think you were this stupid Rias

Rias: What do you mean Onii-sama

Vali: He means that the Issei of the other dimension is a evil dragon so#

Akeno: He is going to be angry right~?

Bikou: You are right you sadist

She suddenly felt the temperature of the room slightly rising in heat and sweat started to drip from her face. She looked at Issei's eyes and saw an immense anger rise and sparks of black lighting sparked around Issei's hands.

The younger population started to sweat because they never felt a aura like this

Asia: W-w-w-wh-wh-what i-i-i-i-is t-t-t-th-th-tha-that po-po-power

Alow: The power of an angry evil dragon

But luckily a powerful voice brought Issei out of his rage.

{ENOUGH PARTNER!!!} Ddraig's mighty voice came from Issei's left hand causing the whole building to shake. Erica was shocked and terrified of the dragon's mighty voice and almost fell from her seat.

Vali: and the city is again saved by ddraig

Bikou: True though

Issei was brought back from his anger and breathe in and breathe out several times. He knew that becoming angry at someone who has nothing to do with it is pointless. He looked over at the terrified Erica and sighed.

'' My apologies, I shouldn't be angry at you for somehing you aren't responsible for.'' Issei apologised making the blonde human nod.

''No I should be the one that should apologies. I shouldn't bring something up that careless.'' Erica apologised with a slight blush on her face. But before any other could say something the door of Issei's home opened making both look at the door saw Lucina enter the house.

Vali: Well she is really responsible and Lucina is going to make a sexual joke right

Alow: Well you will see

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