"I can't." Jimin mumbles before the lighter touches his skin, the words sounded like he heard them before somewhere.
But the horror is making him light-headed. He feels like screaming.

Yoongi wakes up, chest heaving as he takes deep breath. He abruptly looks around to figure out, where he is. He looks on the other side of the bed to find a certain troublesome siren, but it's empty.
"Jimin...." He calls softly, trying to get a hint where the other is.

Realisation dawns upon him like a wave crashing on shore.
A pain clawing over his chest, he feels his vision going blurry.

The dream, the nightmare.
What the fuck was that?

Yoongi didn't even realise, he was sweating even though the air conditioner is going on with full speed.
A fear settles inside him again for a moment.
It makes him curling into the sheets.

Hope his siren is not doing something like that somewhere.

He gets up from the bad, walking into his kitchen.He pours himself a glass of water to calm down his nerves.

He looks at the clock, it's hitting 4 AM.

He groans, he needs more sleep but he doesn't think sleep is coming to him any soon.

His phone vibrates with a call.
It's a call he was expecting. So he picks up quickly,
"So??" He asks a bit excited but trying to keep it at bay.

"What's your actual offer is??? I wanna hear."

Yoongi smirks a bit.
"Obviously better than the one he suggested."

"You are too competitive, Yoongi."

Yoongi quickly finds his pack of ciggerate and pulls one, putting it between his lips. A smile resting on them.
"I need to be, isn't it???"

"Debatable." The other shruggs,
"So the thing is, I received the call for the informations and it's done for now. I was said they will not be contacting for atleast two months."

"Two months???" Yoongi quirks up.

"Yeah.... So I was asked to put anything important through email."

"I see." He thinks for a moment,
"So two months, join me.
He doesn't needs to know you are working for me." Yoongi speaks, now twirling the stick between his fingers a bit while puffing the smoke out.
"Actually, that's what I specifically want. Join me but don't let him know."

"He will kill me, Yoongi." The voice sounds a bit sarcastic.

Yoongi chuckles.
"Don't worry. Did he mention you can't do any other job along with this??" He asks and then answers himself,
No!!!! Then You are safe. Learn to twist his words Geun Soo, that's what he himself does." He rolls his eyes.

"But he specifically said to me, in any scenario I should not go to you or tell you all these."

Yoongi nods, his mouth suddenly is feeling bitter.

Jimin found it comfortable to arrange everything on his own rather than telling him. It's somehow eating him up, everyday.

"He may hate me, Geun Soo. But he doesn't hate Jungkook or anyone else here.
So just join us.
We need to find him before he does anything from where we can't bring him back." He sighs so deeply.

"I don't think he hates you, Yoongi."
Geun Soo sighs,
"I am doing this, because I am heavily indebted to him.
To let me live and allowing my family to have a life."

"Come to Seoul. We need to talk about stuffs."

"Okay!! See you soon."

He disconnects the call.

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