Constellation 🌻

Start from the beginning


The word came through his mind and let a disgusting taste on his mouth. Date should mean love. Date should mean meeting. Date should mean meeting someone who would be happy to only see you. Porchay had a really framed idea about dating and Kim was happy to see his money. He knew it, he was okay with it but he began to feel a little bad about it. He began to wish that he was more than a value, he began to feel that he wanted to be seen for himself and not for what he could provide Kim. But it was their only link, it was their relationship and for now Porchay couldn’t do anything about it or more he couldn’t still fully feel that he needed to do something about it. He was looking at the mirror. Trying to appreciate who he was in Kim's eyes before thinking of appreciating who he was in his own eyes.

Kim's lips which can say sweet words. Kim's hands which could caress his skin. Kim's chest which could open only for his body. Kim's- Porchay's thoughts got silent. He looked again and he was blushing, he was internally and externally screaming about the monologue he had. He literally daydreamed about Kim in a way he found disgusting. Kim wasn’t meat. Kim wasn’t a thing. Porchay wanted to still have a pure mind because of the link they had. Because he had power and Kim had less. Because he had money and Kim had none for his needs. Because he wouldn’t think erotically about him before they could have a stable relationship, not a link, a relationship. Porchay looked at himself for the last time, smiled and mostly forgot that he just confessed to himself his emotions without even realizing it.

"Chay…" Porsche said seeing him going out.

"Yes, Hia?" He answered looking around.

"What I thought, you look so pretty…have a great day." He smiled softly.

Prochay smiled back but the smile dropped. Was he expecting too much from today? Could it be seen on him this much? He was so obvious for this time at least he wished for Kim to see it easily.


They found each other again at the same sunflower spot. The two of them were beginning to really enjoy that little bench. If it was only them talking freely they would stay on it for hours, just talking and feeling that the sunflower was just a representation of what they were experiencing. Porchay waved with enthusiasm, making Kim's heart play a symphony. A loud symphony and Kim was trying to stop it to focus more on Porchay than on how he was being emotional because of Porchay. What he felt could only be less important than Porchay.

"You look good." Kim said calmly but he wasn’t really like this, he also wanted to replace the g by gorgeous but his brain took the lead before his heart could break the wall.

"Thank you…" Porchay said blushing. "So where do we go?"

"Well… I don't really know…" Kim confessed. This was when Porchay saw a little scratch on Kim's clothes and he found the perfect excuse to have some time with him.


"Come here!" Porchay smiled excited when he saw some white coat.


"Won't it suit you?"

"I am more on black…" Kim answered but he saw Porchay’s being a little sad to not have guessed right. "Though…I can try it."

It was a weird feeling to suddenly accept to do something, to compromise about something you wouldn’t for yourself just because it was someone who asked you. Someone who wasn’t just someone into your heart, someone you would make an effort for, someone you would love to give a smile to. Looking in the mirror Kim felt that it was even more surprising when the effort was going well. He was looking good in white, he kinda liked it. It was a first new impression about himself he wouldn’t be able to find alone.

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