"Done" i smile at them. Chris and matt share a look and start to giggle quietly to themselves. "What do i have something on me?"

"Thats chriss hoodie" matt tells me

"But it was in your closet" i defend myself.

"Are you going to change or are we good to go with you in chriss hoodie" nick says with a slight smirk.

"Ugh im not changing i dont care about what im wearing" i say and leaving the house to head to the car.

"You literally said you didnt wanna wear my outfit because it wouldve been a waste of clothes" nick says following me out.

"Yeah because you have nice clothes and if i wear your clothes id want to style them and everything but i dont have the energy for that right now." I say climbing into the minivan when matt unlocked it.

Once we are all in the van matt takes us to the nearest mall. Aka my favourite one. Ive been here a few times with matt recently but only to look at things never to buy. But now i can buy things and im over joyed.

"Matt matt matt" i say not trying to contain my excitement at all.

"Harps can we chill for a sec while i park the car please" he says focusing on trying to find a parking space.

"Okay but can we go to that store with the pretty dresses" i say in a less enthusiastic voice than before.

"Of course harps we are here for you anyway. We all have what we're going to wear" after saying this matt then pulls an 'im caught' face. My eyes dart to matt.

"You mean to tell me you told me this morning about the party and you had already told nick and chris when they would literally go to the party in what im dressed in right now. Why would you do that to me?" I fake pout and look out of the window.

"Ill pay for your dress" i look back over at him with the biggest smile on my face. But then it drops.

"Are you sure you dont have to. Im only joking."

"I know harps but i did leave it to last minute which i know isnt fair to you since you take forever to decide on things" he says reversing the car into a parking space.

"Its okay matt i can pay" i say nodding to myself

"Okay" is all he said.

When we got inside the mall matt and i split off from chris and nick and planned to meet them at 1pm at the restaurant near the entrance. Matt and i quickly found the dress store and we headed inside.

"Is there a theme?" I ask looking over to matt who was taking pictures with some fans.

"No i dont think give me two minutes and ill check my phone" after he if done taking pictures and posing and talking to his fans he comes over and reads to me off of his phone. "Blah blah blah um... no theme. Well thats what it says anyways look." He shows me the screen and it says 'no theme but please dress nice xoxo'

"Whos party even is it?" I ask as i look through the racks of dresses.

"You wont know her she went high school with us though" matt tells me looking through the rack opposite me.

"Why wont i? Oh wait" i laugh before i find the most perfect dress. It was a black silk short skirt dress that had a sort of corset feature on the back. "MATTHEW BENARD" he jumps and looks over at me "i need to try this on"

I head over to the changing room and realise that this dress was perfect for me. I walk out of the dressing room to get matts opinion and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"I dont care how this sounds but if you dont buy that dress i will you look hot as fuck" i laugh at matt as i give him a twirl of my dress.

I walk around the store after changing back and gather accessories to match the outfit. Once i have everything we walk over to the till. I hand all of my stuff to matt to put onto the counter while i got out my card but as i do so i hear a beep meaning that it has just been payed for.

"Matt why did you do that"

"I told you id pay for it"

Suddenly the lady behind the counter speaks "you two are such a sweet couple" we look at each other and burst out laughing and leave the store.

Imma do a little time skip until they get home for next chapter.

This is kinda what the front of the dress looks like

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This is kinda what the front of the dress looks like

And this is kinda what the back looks like but like not the skirt bit and the string is replace with a black silk ribbon

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And this is kinda what the back looks like but like not the skirt bit and the string is replace with a black silk ribbon.
Btw idk if this dress exists anywhere but i think it would look quite cute.

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