13. "so fake."

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*sips mango juice* y'all enjoy 👀

Gianna stares down at the text and attached photos in shock, she couldn't believe her best friend and boyfriend at the time had a sexual relationship while they were together

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Gianna stares down at the text and attached photos in shock, she couldn't believe her best friend and boyfriend at the time had a sexual relationship while they were together.

-fake ass bitch😒: I guess we now know that he always had a thing for me😂.

Her mind wondered because that was such a dangerous thing for them to do, it made her realize Amina was never trustworthy to begin with.  All the things she told her in confidence, it made her feel like it could all be revealed again.

Wiping her tears, she slips her phone into her back pocket in order to focus on helping a customer, but once she was finished she clocked into break and had a cry session in the back room.

"So stupid, so fucking stupid. so should have never befriended that bitch." She sniffled as her phone vibrated in her hand, Amina wanted to upset her so bad that she wouldn't be able to function; and it was working.

Suddenly a flood of photos filled their text message thread of her and Gabriel in intimate moments. Gianna, now fuming with anger felt as if she should handle it another way, but when Amina sent her one last text it sent her over the edge.

Clocking out for the day she grabbed her bag and keys before leaving the store all together. She debating with herself for a while on if she wanted to just pop up at Amina's.

It was taking everything in her not it do it, but the more she stared now at the messages the more angry she became.

"Fuck it." She mumbled pulling her hair into a ponytail before pressing the gas since the street light turned green, she didn't want to be pulled over by the police, so she drove at the reasonable speed since traffic was a little backed up.

Pulling up to Amina's she put her vehicle in park and cut the engine, pulling the keys from the ignition she made her way up to the seventh floor knowing Amina was home after seeing her car parked beside hers.

Making sure to pull her hair into a high bun to avoid it being pulled just incase things escalated, Gianna balls her hand into a fist knocking as she tapped her foot against the tiled hallway floor.

"Baby? is that you?," She heard Amina say through the door as the locks began to turn, as she pulled the door open her face turned white as she sheet. "Oh, it's you."

"I can't believe you slept with Gabriel, you bitch!" Gianna said trying her hardest not to cry, she felt nothing but betrayal. "And you sent me photos?! What the fuck is your issue?!"

"Honestly Gia, I just got close to you to get to Gabe. I'm glad I did to-"

Soon Gianna's fit collided with Amina's mouth causing her to stumble back holding her now bleeding bottom lip.

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