12. "I just wanna be with you ."

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switching up the POV's 💕

I stayed at the hospital all weekend with Rafael, so glad that he was beginning to feel better Dr

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I stayed at the hospital all weekend with Rafael, so glad that he was beginning to feel better Dr. Casanova let me know that he would be released soon.

As he slept I texted Amina, she had been acting so weird lately.

Amina: honestly, I don't even think we can be friends anymore. it's always Rafael, Rafael, Rafael. It's annoying.

- He doesn't have anyone else here except his brother, but they just had a baby! what do you expect me to do!? Leave him!?

Anima: oh whatever. 🙄

-You're such a bitch! We aren't joined at the hip Amina! I can hang with whoever I want!  I honestly have better things to worry about right now.

Tears filled the brims of my eyes as I stared down at her text messages, I couldn't understand why she was acting this way, knowing how I felt about Rafael. Looking up at Rafael I wiped my tears seeing him still asleep.

I guess not all friendships are meant to last.

"Amore?, are you crying?" I heard Rafeal question as I looked up at him.

"No," I sniffled. "sorry I thought you were asleep." I said locking my phone. Scooting my chair closer to his bedside, I held his hand as he reached up to caress my face, the pad of his thumb swiped against my tears. He furrowed his brows as I sighed.

"Qual è il problema?" He questioned as I wiped my tears with my free hand.

"Amina and I aren't friends anymore, I really don't even care."

"If you didn't care, there would be no tears rolling down your beautiful cheeks, now would it?," He questioned as I sighed wiping my tears.

I couldn't cry over Amina when I had more important things to worry about. "want me to hit her with my cane?"

"No," I laughed before sniffling again. "why are you worried about me? I'd be more worried about getting better."

"Because I'm a selfless person, hearing you cry doesn't make me feel better my love."  He said twisting his lips to the side as I pulled my hair into a high bun.

"It's okay, I'll be fine Raf," She said grabbing his clothes from the chair." Standing up she then sauntered over to his bedside and grabbed his hand to help him up.

"Here pull your shirt down." I said pulling his arms through his shirt as he adjusted it against his torso, pulling his dark grey sweats over his lower half, my eyes met with his member before quickly averting my gaze.

"I can take it from her amore." He chuckled pulling up his
adjusting the waist band so that they hung slight showing his v-line.

Wincing as the nurse removed the I V tape from my arm I groaned, but the feeling of Gianna's hand holding mine soon relaxed me

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Wincing as the nurse removed the I V tape from my arm I groaned, but the feeling of Gianna's hand holding mine soon relaxed me. I loved her, I know it seemed like this relationship was moving quick, but my heart wanted her. 

"You two are all set. I'll give you a minute to get dressed before I come back to help you two get to the parking lot." My nurses calm voice flowed through my ears. I nodded and waited for her to come back.

A few minutes later the nurse came back to escort us out of the hospital, she assisted me with getting me into the truck and put my seatbelt over me properly. Gianna and I both thanked her before leaving the parking lot.

Gianna stopped at the pharmacy and to grab some food for us before we headed back to her place. I still couldn't really eat anything heavy so she got some pasta for me and a sandwich for herself.

Once we arrived at her place we showered together and got comfortable while we ate.

"So where are some places you'd like to go?" She questioned, the sound of her voice making me smile.

I loved her.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. I'd have to get back with you on that. There are so many things that I'd love to enjoy." I said as I heard her giggle.

"What's funny amore?"

"Nothing, you're just go so cute." She said as I heard the smile in her voice.

My heart skipped a beat when she spoke to me.

"Maybe we can do pottery again.. I do need to go home tomorrow though, I need to work on some art stuff sowed spend a few days apart. I hope that doesn't make you too sad." I said biting at my bottom lip.

"You know I have no problem giving you space Rafeal, we don't need to be together all the time."

"But I love being with you, I just don't want to become clingy."

"Trust me, I'd tell you if it was too much."

"You promise." I said holding onto my pinky as she laughed.

"I promise."

a few hours later.

"She still doesn't know we had sex right?" Gabriel questioned as Amina shook her head before scooping some rice into her house. Her and Gabriel decided to meet up for dinner, seeing that Amina was now single he wanted to finally peruse her even though he still hated the fact that Gianna moved on.

"No, I should just tell her- matter of fact." She said beginning to type away at her screen before pressing send. "she'll know now."

"You and Marco are done?"

"Si, I left him. We had been fighting a lot anyway." She shrugged as he nodded reaching for her hand.

"Well now we have each other, but I do have a plan for this Rafeal character."

"Oh? Do tell." She said smirking as Gabriel devised his plan with her.
oh brother 😒.. this is so short I'm sorry omg.

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