Chapter 10: What Did I Do?

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Spencer's POV

I don't want Toby to be mad at me for the rest of the summer. I have tried calling and texting him, but he never answers or responds. It has been two days, but I am already lost. I told the girls what happened and they think I should apologize, which I would do if he was talking to me. He gets off of work at five, so I will be waiting outside his apartment for when he gets home.

I get there at 4:55 and decide to sit against the wall. I see a few neighbors walk by and look at me funny, but I ignore them. I sit and start to get anxious I look at my watch and it reads 5:15. It only takes Toby five minutes to get home from work, but maybe he was held up by something. I sit and I hear my stomach growl. I look down at my watch again and it is 5:45. I try calling his phone, but it goes straight to his voicemail. I really hope he hasn't blocked my number.

When it is 6:00, I decide I just need to leave. I can't wait around like this for him. I need to go and get him. I drive over to his work and they informed me he already left. He wasn't at The Brew or The Grille, so go back to his house and knock on his door. No answer of course. I send him a text saying just to tell me that he is okay. I call Emily and Ali and ask them to help me find him. I don't know what to do so I call Aria.

"Hello?", she says.

"Hey", I say, "I came to Toby's apartment to apologize and he isn't here. I can't find him anywhere he isn't at work or any of his favorite places. I don't know what to do. He won't answer my calls or texts."

"Oh my god."

"What Aria? What is it?", I ask.


"Aria it obviously wasn't nothing, what is going on."

"Are you sure you want to hear this?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Because once you hear this, you can't unhear this."

"Just tell it straight."

"Okay fine, but you might want to sit down.", I do as she obeys and sit on the floor. She ends the call and I am shocked until I receive a text from her. It is a picture of Toby with his evil step sister Jenna. They are holding hands and kissing. I absolutely hate Jenna, and this makes my hate eternal. I storm out of there to my car. I speed of to my house and run up to my bedroom.

I slam my door and go on my bed and cry. How could he do this to me? We haven't broken up? I can't believe Toby. I go to my dresser and open it to put some comfy clothes on when I see a key. I totally forgot, but Toby gave me a key to get in his apartment. I grab it and start to run downstairs. I am stopped by Ali.

She says, "I'm so sorry Spence, Aria told me what happened. What ever you want, we'll do it."

"Let's go to Toby's apartment.", I say.

"Uh, okay, but why? Do you want to trash it?"

"No, I want to wait for him and Jenna to get back so I can confront him."

"Okay, I'll drive." It is a long awkward silence while Ali drives. We get there and he isn't home yet. I unlock the door and we step inside. I fight the urge to cry as I walk over to the couch. Ali closes the door and sits next to me holding my hand. I finally cry and let it all out on Ali's shoulder, while she rubs my back.

Just as my crying starts to slow down I hear Toby's truck pull up. I gather myself and stop crying I have to be strong. I can't show him how upset I am. I see his perfect figure in the window and he unlocks the door and opens it. He turns on the light and gasps at the sight of us then sighs.

"Spencer, what are you doing here?", he says.

"Confronting you, you little cheater.", I spit at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Please don't play dumb.", I say as I show him the picture Aria sent me.

"Spencer I can explain.", he starts, but I cut him off.

"No need to. This picture is worth a thousand words. I don't ever want to see you again Toby.", I say as I put my keys in his hand. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but I say, "We are done Toby."

With that I walk out of the apartment dragging Ali beside me. Toby is running after me, but I just pick up the pace. We get into Ali's car and she asks, "Where do you want to go?"

"Would it be alright if I spent the night at your house?", I ask.

"Of course, do you want to stop at your house first?"

"That would be nice."

Toby's POV

I hate myself so much for what I did to Spencer. I wasn't into Jenna I was just hanging out with her to make Spencer mad. Somewhere along the line we kissed and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I have been trying to contact Spencer, but she keeps ignoring me. I go to her house everyday, but she is never there. I decide to try all the girl's houses. She has to be at one of them.

I go to Aria's house first. She answers the door and says, "What do you want Toby?"

"Is Spencer here?", I ask.

"No, you just need to learn to get over her."

"Please, Aria I love Spencer. I made a stupid mistake. Do you know where I could find her?"

"Fine, you didn't hear this from me, but she is at Hanna's house right now."

"Okay thank you so much."

"Don't screw this up! I only told you because you two are cute together!" I walk out of there and head to Hanna's house. I walk up to the door and knock.

I hear someone yell, "Spencer, can you please get that?"

Spencer opens the door and she gasps at me. I can tell she might cry soon. "What do you want?", she asks.

"Spencer, I made a huge mistake. I just want you to listen to me please.", I say.

Hanna walks up behind her and says, "She doesn't have to listen to a single word you say."

"Please.", I beg looking at Spencer.

"Fine", she says while grabbing her coat, "just not here." We walk in silence to my car and I pull out of the driveway.

I ask, "Where do you want to go?"

She say three little words, "The kissing rock."

A Spoby SummerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon