Prolugue: I have a hero in my squad?!

Start from the beginning

When I reached the site of the crash I saw perfectly the destruction that had caused the explosion, the place was covered by flames and debris from both the heavy helicopter and the building where the military vehicle crashed, while I was walking along this destroyed place a strange feeling of déjà-vu hit me, negative emotions crossed my mind like sadness, Confusion, agitation, fear, sorrow and many others wounded me like an arrow in the chest, sometimes my mind replaced the landscape in front of me with a similar landscape, but inside me I felt that the mirage of desolation and destruction caused by the flames, even if fake, I felt that it was many times worse than what I was now.

But I immediately erased these distractions, I had to see if there were any survivors and deal with them to help them, and as my search continued to see continuous corpses in my street my attention was drawn to a voice not too far from me

"BA-01 down!"

"BA-01 down!"

A female voice taken by worry and a little anxiety made me put me on alert, I started to have  towards the origin of the voice which was a couple of steps from where I was.

"Plese respond!"

"We've been shot down!"

From the words I heard, the woman must have been a surviving soldier trying to call the military base to tell you that their platoon had been beaten and send help as soon as possible.

It didn't take me long to reach the origin of the rumor that up and down is in the center of this crash zone, the place was covered by smoke and flames and when I was inside the now destroyed heavy helicopter I saw a woman turned her back and she headed at full speed towards the body of a boy of nineteen or twenty years old who had passed out on the ground, I squinted my eyes at the boy a little curious, the reason for my curiosity is that I spotted a slight magical connection between me and him.

But this factor didn't bother me at the time, it worried me more was the health of the subject, if you had been careful you could have seen that the boy's chest was struggling to get up when he breathed, his face started to discolor more and more and become whiter and whiter and his eyes started to lose their natural color -He's having a cardiac arrest! - you exclaim in my head as the woman's voice reappeared, but this time it had more of a hostile tone, "who are you, what are you doing here?" Although the smoke inside the helicopter prevented me from seeing the woman in detail, I could still feel how something metal   was moved and seeing the blurred figure of the woman turned towards me, she had probably noticed me seeing that her figure turned towards my direction, unfortunately I could not see it well being that the point where she was is a little covered by smoke preventing me from seeing her well, The only thing I could make out was her blue clothes and her light brown hair, I was about Warn her that I had come to help her but I had to change my plans when I heard metallic footsteps behind me not a little more than a couple of meters.

"Raptures, not now!" the woman's voice returned worried to the presence of these so-called beings called Raptures, turning behind me to see what was coming I saw these mechanical beings almost similar to it has huge insects with four legs, three of these mechanical beings were located a few steps away from us they allowed me to better look at their appearance, They have a stocky body with a single glowing eye in the center, the most interesting part is their backside pulsed as if it was ready to explode.

"Go take care of the guy he's going to have a cardiac arrest, I'm going to distract these Raptures!" I declared in a serious tone as I jumped towards mechanical insects as he took one last look at the woman behind me to see if she understood me "Plague thing... commander!" and with that exclamation I saw her heading towards the boy's body.

I, on the other hand, find myself immediately in front of about twenty of these mechanical beings called Raptures, I had to admit that I was very surprised, I did not expect this behavior that I certainly could define them more as rabid animals than intelligent machines.

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