Prolugue: I have a hero in my squad?!

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I felt disoriented and a headache gripped my mind, I'm genuinely confused right now.

I didn't understand where I was or how I am here?

These questions of mine tormented me as my eyes looked at total nothingness, an expanse of darkness that surrounds me, a place dominated only by darkness, I felt my body heavy and struggling has any movement as if it were blocked by some invisible force and my mind is in total confusion.

My memories are blurred or messy like a huge completely messy library, only a few fragments of my past life that remained firmly etched in my mind helped me a little to identify who I am, one of these memories is a part of my name Emiya, even though I had almost completely forgotten my identity and my memories of my past are completely messed up, In my mind, I'm sure of one thing.

I'm a heroic spirit, summoned as a servant of the Assassin class, a hero dedicated to helping others, and that was enough for me.

Now I just had to figure out how I ended up here and who summoned me?

Ever since I opened my eyes, these two questions have been nagging at me and I couldn't find an adequate answer.

While I was trying to figure out what to do to get out of this situation something changed the cards on the table, in less than a second a loud roar appeared as if a vehicle had collided with a building and then exploded due to the strong impact after which a blinding light obscured my vision.

It took a little more than a couple of seconds to fully restore my sight and another couple to lose myself from the momentary state of daze due to the sudden change of brightness, and when my eyes stared at the landscape in front of me I could only open my eyes wide in terror, finally the infinite landscape of dark vanishes and veins replaced by a landscape of an abandoned city!?

I was sincerely confused, surprised and frightened to see a city abandoned, all the buildings miraculously remained standing while nature reconquered the land conquered by man through urbanization.

The place that had become a ghost metropolis had been abandoned probably for years, the appearance of this decaying city looked just like an apocalyptic setting which made me worry.

-What happened to abandon a city for so long? - a thought that worried me a lot, but for the moment my attention was focused on something else, not too far from me a huge column of smoke rose up to the sky while the flames devoured the crash point of a heavy military transport helicopter that had crashed.

Although I was not an Archer-class servant, known fortheir accuracy, even at exorbitant distances, they always managed to hit thetarget with the help of their excellent eyesight, my eyesight even though I am not an Archer servant allowed me to see perfectly even though I was a couple of meters away and at a height of about fifty meters I could see the crash site as if I were there.

Thanks to my eyesight I could see the poor condition of the helicopter weighed now destroyed and divided by the explosion, but the thing that draws my eye the most are the bodies of people lying there, some were mutilated, others were not only covered with wounds but their respiratory activity had now ceased (seeing no movement of their ribcage) and others are completed buried under the rubble with only one or more Two visible limbs or metta of their body is covered with debris.

My hand clenched tightly into a fist of regret as I looked at those poor dead souls, but a single thought made me decide on my next course of action -maybe there are survivors I can save!- with conviction I begin to get up from the pile of concrete, glass and iron that must have been the remains of the top floor of the building where I was at this moment, I got out of the building with extreme speed, landing safely in the asphalt now ruined by the roots of the trees that were growing inexorably, I headed towards the now destroyed vehicle and in flames.

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