"Kelda," he began, trying to keep his voice steady, "I think we can come to an arrangement. There's no need for unnecessary bloodshed."

Kelda slowly looked up from her maps, her eyes locking onto Viggo. A resentful frown was the only sign of emotion she showed. "An arrangement? After all you've done? You're in no position to negotiate, Viggo."

Brynhildr tensed beside him, her grip on her sword tightening. The other members of the infiltration team shifted, ready for any sudden movements. Viggo raised his hands in a placating gesture, choosing his words carefully. "I understand your anger, Kelda. But understand that I have no intention of bringing you any harm."

"That's rich coming from you. Is that how you felt about Ryker when you let the dragon riders kill him? He was our brother Viggo and you betrayed him!"

Viggo sighed, a hint of remorse flickering in his eyes. "Ryker made choices that led to his own downfall. Just as I'm making choices now. There are forces at play beyond your understanding, Kelda."

Kelda stood up, her gaze piercing through Viggo. "Save your excuses for someone who cares. You betrayed your own kind, and now you're here to manipulate and deceive again. Asgeir lock up our prisoner. The rest of you don't let the others escape, I don't care if you have to kill them!"

Asgeir, one of Kelda's trusted lieutenants, moved forward with shackles in hand. The tension in the tent escalated as Viggo reluctantly allowed himself to be restrained. Outside the tent, Brynhildr and the rest of the team were struggling to hold off the hunters.

Viggo maintained his composure, his mind working quickly to assess the options. "Kelda, I'm not your enemy here. If you just listen to me I can help you get rid of Haldor."

Kelda let out a bone-chilling laugh, grabbing Viggo by his face. "You never have been able to outsmart father, have you? These symbols," gesturing to the banners in the tent, a devious smile played on Kelda's lips. "This was all a ploy to get you closer. I have never stopped working with our father because unlike some people I stay loyal to my family."

Viggo's eyes widened in realization as Kelda's words sank in. The sense of betrayal cut deep, and he struggled against the restraints, his mind racing to comprehend the extent of the deception. "You... you were playing me all along?"

Kelda smirked, releasing Viggo's face and stepping back. "Oh, Viggo, you were always the arrogant one. Thinking you could outwit everyone. But you underestimated the power of family loyalty. Father knew you'd come, and he knew how to use your weaknesses against you."

Asgeir secured the shackles around Viggo's wrists, rendering him powerless. The infiltration team outside the tent fought fiercely, realizing the gravity of the situation. Brynhildr, surrounded by enemies, glanced towards the tent, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination.

Kelda circled Viggo, her tone dripping with disdain. "You thought you could manipulate me into turning against my father? No, Viggo. I am my father's daughter through and through. And now, you'll face the consequences of your betrayal."

Viggo remained defiant, his gaze unwavering. "You may think you've won, Kelda, but you've only deepened the divide. Haldor's thirst for power will consume everything, including you. You may be loyal now, but you'll see the truth eventually."

Kelda chuckled, dismissing Viggo's words with a wave of her hand. "Save your speeches for someone who cares, traitor. The executioner awaits, and soon Drakeholm Isal will be under the rule of Chief Haldor."

As Kelda gloated, the atmosphere in the tent grew heavier. Viggo's mind raced, considering every possible escape plan. The sound of clashing outside intensified as Brynhildr and the infiltration team fought desperately against overwhelming odds.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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