Treasure Hunt -10-

Start from the beginning

The male clasped his hands together, leaning towards you with a small smile. "If I may ask — envoy sent by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal — could you spare a moment?" He pleaded in a false tone of desperation.

Your eye twitched with a glare. "Stop it with the talk!" Eventually, you sighed in defeat. "Well... I can't say I don't have the time." You muttered begrudgingly. You had an inkling of suspicion that Keaya was going to drag you into something - and by extension Aether.

The male stood back up and clapped. "Marvelous!" He cheered. "So what happened?" You asked. Keaya frowned deeply and placed a hand to his heart, solemnly shaking his head. "I cannot let my peers hear about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you." He confessed... loudly.

Some nearby guarding knights glanced over at the commotion causing you to step forwards in Keaya's direction. "Keep it down! If this is a secret, act like it!" You chastised him with a pouting like look.

Keaya's eye twinkled in amusement. How adorable you were! Just like a raging baby bird who saw some other animal at it's favorite flower~

He sent you a fake apologetic look. "You're right. My apologies. Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations... Let's talk in the courtyard just outside the headquarters. Meet me just outside the building, okay?" He smirked before sending you a wink and walking past you.

You watched him go with a bewildered look. What a weird guy... Can't say you hated him thought.


"What's with this sneakiness?" Paimon said as your trio approached Keaya. You had gone to get them shortly after speaking to the man. "You're giving a lot of red flags right now," the little pixie warned.

Keaya chuckled as he leaned against the guardrail. "Oh, is that so? My apologies." Paimon only groaned. "Tell us what it's about already!" She yelled in annoyance.

The tan man pursed his lips in thought. "Now should I begin... Oh, right, let me tell you a secret first. It's a secret of my past, and I confide in you to keep it." He said. Despite the appearance of it being deep, you couldn't help but feel he was taking this rather lightly.

Paimon eyes sparkled at the potential of a secret. "Don't worry, Paimon's lips are sealed." She promised quickly, making a zipping gesture with her hand. Kaeya grinned indulgently. "As a matter of fact, my grandfather was a pirate!"

"...Oh." Paimon said lamely as you and Aether stayed silent, simply staring up at the navy haired male while waiting for further explanation. Keaya blinked. "...Wait, why do you sound so blithe? Do you think I'm making it up?" He said with wide eyes and a hand to his heart.

He pointed to his eyepatch. "Look at my eyepatch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood!" Aether raised an eyebrow at his statement. "I never knew you could inherit eye patches." He admitted.

"My! Aether, how could you not know such common knowledge! This is no different from children inheriting their hairstyle from their parents!" He explained as if it was the most obvious thing. You deadpanned at him. "I don't think you know how genetics work."

A smirk crossed Keaya's face. "Oh? Then I wonder," he began, reaching out to swirl a piece of your hair in his thin fingers, "Who gave you such lovely hair. Your father, mother, or perhaps even a grandparent? Either way, you should thank them for such a beautiful gift." He cooed, all while staring right into your eyes. You narrowed your eyes at his innocently grinning face, cheeks puffing out with a tint of pink at his words, actions... entire being. (A/N: If you have too short hair, hijab, or other reason, just pretend he's talking about your eyes or something).

Ms. Hummingbird (Various Genshin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now