Luffy stood up and scratched the back of his head apologetically. He went to say something before he froze. I straightened up and looked at him, confused.

"Misaki. You..." He whispered, breathless.

I looked down, confused as Luffy pointed at me, gawking. I went pale. Blood. A lot of it. I had at least four shots. One in my neck, one in my abdomen, and two in my chest.

I looked back up at Luffy, my vision blurring. My knees buckled as a bloodcurdling scream rang out over the seas.


"Misakiiiiii" Luffy screamed, lunging forward to break her fall and settle her on her back. Her breathing was shallow and rapid, and she was coughing up blood. "CHOPPER! I NEED CHOPPER! GET ME CHOPPER!"

Luffy felt her hand grasp his sleeve. She's awake. Luffy's heart ached. He wished she wasn't conscious. It reminded him of something he didn't want to think about. Of his brother. He looked at her. She looked scared.

"It's ok, Misaki. You are going to be ok." He said desperately. "Damn it — CHOPPER!"

"I'm here! I'm here!" Chopper ran over. Shots still fired around them. "Oh no, this is really bad. Luffy, I'm going to need you to go grab a stretcher. We gotta bring her to the infirmary and take her into surgery ASAP."

"I... I can't." Luffy said, unwilling to break eye contact with Misaki.

"What do you mean, you can't?!"

"I can't! I can't leave her! Not for a second!" Luffy said, still looking into Misaki's eyes. "Why is she breathing like that?!"

"She has a collapsed lung and a severed artery Luffy! I really need to get her to the infirmary!"

"Do what you can here first! Then get the stretcher! I won't leave her!"

"Fine!" Chopper said, rummaging through his bag. He pulled out something that looked like a sharpened straw. "I am going to have to stab this into her to re-inflate her lung."

Luffy flinched, then smiled at Misaki, placing his forehead against hers. "Ok, this is gonna hurt, ok?" Misaki didn't respond, still gasping and breathing rapidly, her other hand grasped desperately at his collar. Chopper stabbed her in the chest. A scream ripped through her throat, making Luffy's heart hurt. "It's ok it's ok. Breathe. Breathe slow and steady." A hiss escaped through the tube. Slowly but surely, her breathing got less erratic. Misaki started taking deeper breaths, only to start coughing up more blood. "I'm here."

Luffy tore his eyes away from hers just long enough to look pleadingly at Chopper.

"Here, put your finger right here and do NOT move!"

"Why's that?"

"She severed an artery here. If you move your finger, she will bleed out and die."

A chill went up Luffy's spine and he broke into a cold sweat. He looked at Misaki. She was still watching him. He feigned a smile to try and reassure her. Her grasp on his sleeve tightened.

"I'm here" Luffy muttered.

"Take your other hand and press down here on her abdomen. Hard." He followed Chopper's instructions, forcing a bloodcurdling scream from Misaki.

"I know I know. Try not to move, Misaki." Luffy murmured. Chopper ran to get the stretcher as the fighting began to die down. Luffy was certain his crew could handle this on their own. They had to.

"Luffy, I'm sorry." She struggled to say.

"You have nothing to be sorry about"

"Yes... I do."

"Save your strength, Misaki."

"I didn't... mean any of it."

"You shouldn't be talking."

"I haven't made a decision... About going... home."

"M' please stop talking."

"I have to get this out." She gasped, trying to find the breath to continue. "I only said that... cause... I was... hurt..."

"You can tell me this later."

"Cause it hurt when you said... you didn't love me. I know it's not... been long, but.... I... I love you... Monkey D. Luffy." She smiled weakly at him. "You're the reason... I can't.... Decide..."

Luffy gulped. Tears welled up in his eyes.

"I'm so in love with you... it hurts..." she cried.

"Misaki... I..."

Just then, Chopper showed back up. They got her to the infirmary, where Luffy still refused to leave her side.

"I hate to do this to you, Misaki, but you are too weak to put under anesthesia. I'm going to start with repairing your artery so you can't make it worse by thrashing around. You have to be still, ok?"

Misaki nodded weakly. Luffy could feel himself trembling. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't stop. When she moaned in pain, he gritted his teeth. Why? Why did she have to be put through this? If only he had been on his A game. He put her in this position. Maybe she really is better off going home. She would be safe at least.

Chopper finished with the artery and moved on to removing the bullets. She screamed as he made his first incision, her muscles tensing before she slammed herself back down on the table, biting her lip. She was trying so hard to stay still, despite the pain.

"I'm here, Misaki. I'm right here." Luffy repeated. She gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut for a moment. Her breathing got sharper and Luffy pressed his forehead against hers. "I'm here. I'm here."

"Another one down. Luffy, you have to move your hand now." Chopper stated.

Luffy moved his hand, reaching up to her face and holding her with both hands now, accidentally smearing blood on her cheek. Misaki screamed through her teeth, eventually petering out into a whine. Luffy's heart was in pieces. Shattered more than ever before. He kissed her on the nose, then pressed his lips to her forehead as she whimpered. Don't die. He is almost done.

Then it was time for the last one. All chopper had to do now was stitch up on more bullet hole. This one went straight through. So there would be no bullet to find. It did, however, mean that they were going to have to roll her over.

When it was time to, chopper opted to only have her roll on her side. He checked to make sure he didn't need to cauterize anymore bleeds and then sewed her up.

It was over. At least, the hardest part.

"Is she going to make it?" Luffy asked Chopper.

"Honestly, it's all dependent on her Will. She sustained a lot of damage. The most important thing she needs now is rest."

"You hear that, Misaki? You need to rest now. I won't leave your side. I promise."

Misaki held Luffy's gaze for a moment, hoping to have the strength to say one more thing. But her vision blurred, and her eyes fluttered shut as she unwillingly fell asleep.

Luffy x isakai GirlWhere stories live. Discover now