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       THE FIVE GIRLS re-enter their hired ARC Studio space, immediately being hit with the musty, humid air due to the lack of air conditioning. Multiple floor fans dotted the room to help the women throughout their day yet they barely noticed a change.

Unlike the normal rain of England's weather, they were experiencing sunshine and warm weather, much to the group's dismay. Seemingly unprepared, they began to produce different ideas for their performance which had to be recorded later that day.

All five women were all now walking in different directions, almost as if they were avoiding each individual before stopping as the beat hit. Their leader, Astra thought out loud, "What if Iona starts with being the only one dancing whilst we l all stand still like time has stopped?".

It wouldn't harm trying it out, would it?

They restarted their music before walking around the room once again, this time they tried their leader's suggestion until Xandra swapped with Iona. This was good, they were beginning to build a structure again.

Their ideas begin to increase and a few hours later they appear to have completed the routine and it was time to review it.

The second the video had stopped, Xandra was beginning to squeal with delight, "Once we finish cleaning it up, the other groups won't stand a chance!". Thankfully, they all were in agreeance that their routine was not only smooth but enjoyable to perform, "I can't believe that this time next week, we will be in Korea!" Their rookie couldn't help but say in excitement.

It was safe to say that they were all looking forward to the competition but the worry of them all not able to speak Korean was worrying their leader. Unlike Anwen, the leader, Astra, had learnt Korean when she was younger and since most crews competing on Street Woman Fighter 2 were Korean, she couldn't help but express her concern. Alongside their invitation, they had been told they would have the access to a ear piece with the translations that the other contestants and judges will say however, will they translate it all?

A knock at the studio door snapped Astra out of her thoughts, Anwen quickly rushed over to it and greeted the directors started piling into the room. As they began to set up all their equipment, the group of women got changed into their prepared outfits (the only thing they completed on time) and began finalizing their dance.

Finally, it was time to do what they did best, perform!

Once they were wrapping up the final steps of their dance, their faces started showing how they truly felt, sharing their love and excitement not only for their friendship but for their passion of dance.

The directors started clapping before letting each of the girls pull another in for a hug whispering how good each other danced and sharing that they had finally finished their performance video.

The five women let go of each other so they could all put there hands together, "On 3, ready! 1, 2, 3, DEFY!"


DATE: 11/01/2024



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