Chapter 6

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Something is not right.....not with me or my house.....something is weird with her....I watch her every move and she follows the rules surprisingly, so........what is it about her that's....wrong....

I leave the bathroom and head back downstairs to the kitchen. "It's 8.30, so it's time for bed, Brahms," I say, carrying little doll Brahms up the stairs. I open his door and find a clean room with no toys anywhere. I change Brahms into cute yellow pyjamas and set him under the covers. I walk over to the book shelf and pick out a story about ducks. After I read to Brahms, I kiss him on the head and turn off the lights. "Goodnight Brahms..." I go into my room and open my bag, but the note I had is missing....shoot. What is Brahms found it? Would he know I'm not from this least that he's from a movie?. I lay on my bed and wonder if I will ever get back home...the note said if I survive....will Brahms try to kill me?! Or....maybe Cole... I am too tired to think, so I fall asleep, forgetting to change into my pyjamas.


I wake up instantly feeling hot. I touch my forehead, and I'm burning up... I get out of bed and check the time. 7:29. I quickly change into fresh clothes and head to the kitchen. I check the newly stocked up fridge and get out some eggs and tomatoes. I start cooking some omelettes, and by the time they are finished, it is 7:57. I head upstairs and open Brahms room, but he's not there. I go back down to the kitchen and see him with an empty plate in a chair. "Good morning...."

I grab an omlete and place it onto Brahms plate, along with some orange juice. I sit down with my food and begin eating. Once I am finished, I put Brahms food into the freezer except the juice, I put that into the fridge. I pick up Brahms and head upstairs when I spot something shiny under a board in one of the steps. I bend down and try and lift the board up, but that didn't work. I try and put my finger in but it's too big.

I leave whatever it is there for now and continue walking up the stairs. I open Brahms door and dress him in another suit. "You sure do have a lot of a little gentleman" I put a coat over the doll and bring him outside the back with me. I empty the rat traps into a large, black bag one by one. After I am done I pick up Brahms and bring him inside where I throw away the trash and wash my hands. All of a sudden my throat turns dry and prickly as I swallow. I open some cabinet's but can't find any medicine. Oh well. I turn my head to my left and stare blankly at the small doll, zoning out. The house is silent, except for a small tap behind the walls every couple of seconds.

How did I even end up here? or a better question. How is it possible that I'm here? All noices are blocked out until a phone starts ringing. I grab the phone out of my pocket but the screen is black. The ringing continues. I grab Brahms and take him into the study where an old, blue telephone lays on the desk. I pick it up and am answered with a violent cough. "Hello?"

"Y/N! Hey, it's me, Malcom," he says in a
raspy voice. "I will not be able to make the next couple of deliveries *cough* I...I've gotten sick," I exhale and feel relieved for some reason.

"I'm so sorry, it looks like I'm getting sick as well. That's okay, you just rest up and call when you feel better," Now it all makes sense, thanks malcom.

"Well, you take care. I've got to get going, bye..." And with that, the conversation ended. I lay the phone back onto the receiver and look back at Brahms.

"At least you won't get sick.....alright, let's learn some music..." I say, picking up Brahms and sitting him on my lap as I look at the music sheet.

Brahms Heelshire X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now