Chapter 5

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I go as any normal day and do music with Brahms until I hear a knock on the door. I raise my head, waiting for a second when another knock at the door happens. I pick up Brahms and walk towards the door to find Malcom. "Y/N,'re looking beautiful have your delivery," Malcom says with a warm smile while holding up a bag in his hand.

"Oh hey Malcom, come on in!" I spoke, opening the door. Me and Malcom put away the food and small talk a little.

"So, how has the job been so far?" Malcom asks, putting away the bread.

"It's been good, I've been following the rules, I've got to explore this place and me and Brahms have had a lot of time together..." Malcom nods and turns to me.

"Alright, all know if you ever need me, just call. Maybe me and you could go to dinner sometime?" and with that, Malcom leaves for the door before I stop him.

"Wait. Malcom?" He turns around. "Can you tell me about more about Brahms? I havent seen the mo- uh i havent heard much about him..." Malcom smiles brightly at me and tells me about how he died and how he was as a kid and that he was.....odd.....and after he had to go because of another delivery he had..

I then hear something fall over upstairs. Great. I walk upstairs with brahms on my hip, and check my room first. Nothing. I then head towards Brahms room when somthing falls over again in Brahms room. I slowly open the door and see toys.... EVERYWHERE...there are bits and bobs thrown to the ground, there are doll sized clothes, scattered in the room. "What did I do? I followed all the rules..." I say putting Brahms on the bed, sitting up and grabbing the list of rules and looking over the rules twice but nothing I haven't done or is not the right what?

"You must be having a tantrum..." A painting falls off the walls with a loud bang to my right. "Hey! You don't need to act like that! Otherwise, there is no bedtime story!" Silence...."Are you gonna behave? Knock 3 times for a yes 2 for a no. " Silence again, so I turn around ready to leave when I hear a knock. I turn around and wait for a minute when I hear another two knocks. "Now this mess better be cleaned by the time I get back. I'll go make dinner, "  I say, walking away and preparing dinner.

~Time Skip~

I sit Brahms down in a chair, across from me, and put a plate of lasagne in front of him and in my spot. I start eating when I hear the phone ringing. "I'll be right back Brahms. Don't move.......please" I leave the room and pick up the phone. "Hello?" And that woman replies again.

"Hey Y/N Cole has been at my house alot and..." great. The Cole situation.

"Let me guess. You told him where I am?"

"No, no! I would never! But...Max was scared and told him...he's only 6 he didn't know" I sigh and put the phone back onto the receiver. I don't wanna hear her voice again. I'm too tired. I go back to the kitchen and Brahms is gone and his plate is empty but it's smashed on the floor. I look around and see him on a counter. "Brahms! Why did you?......oh come on! I only left you for a minute!" I sigh, crouching down and picking up the pieces when a shard cuts my hand. "[Insert Bad Word]". I put any shards in my hand, into the bin and walk up stairs to the bathroom. I open the cabinets and try to find a first aid kit when I find a small green one in the back. I bring it out and find some plasters (or as you AMERICANS and others call it...BaNdAiDs) and put it on my cut. I hear a small thump to my left and quickly turn my head waiting to see if anything else will happen.....

Word Count: 706

Brahms Heelshire X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz