Chapter 3

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(Longer Chapter)

"Well, I think it's time to show to show you around the house and the schedule," Mrs Heelshire says, picking up the Brahms doll. I follow her into a libary, and she sets Brahms down onto a chair in front of a piano and goes over to the desk, picking up a piece of paper and handing it to me. "This is where you will study with him 7 hours a day reading and on the piano."


1. No Guests
2. Never Leave Brahms Alone
3. Save Meals In Fridge
4. Never Cover Brahms Face
5. Read A Bedtime Story
6. Play Loud Music
7. Clean the Traps
8. Only Malcom Brings Deliveries
9. Brahms Is Never To Leave
10. Kiss Goodnight

"Over here is where I play Brahms's music," She says, walking over to an old record player, putting the needle down and pushing a button, making the record spin. "He does like it rather louder than I would prefer, but he loves it so much I dont dare take it away from him." All of a sudden, loud classical music crashes into me, that's almost deafening. I flinch my eyes shut and scrunch my nose for a split second while listening to the music as Mrs Heelshire seems charmed. She pushes a button, stopping the music, and walks over to the piano. "We also play Brahms bedtime music on the piano. If you are unfamiliar with the piano, the sheets are already on the stand. " she then walks towards a large bookshelf and says, looking up at me (unless you're a shorty)."Brahms loves reading, especially poetry. Do you know any?"

I shake my head. "No, I do not......" Mrs Heelshire seems a bit disappointed. "Well, any of these books will do....but you must read it a loud....CLEAR voice... Do you think you can do that?" Now I remember, Brahms is living in the walls, so he can only hear me if I am loud enough.

"Of course I can," I say in a clear and stern voice, which gives me praising looks. We then hear a clink towards the piano and see that the Brahms doll has fallen forward. "Now, Brahms, you must sit up straight," Mrs Heelshire says, sitting the doll up again.

~Time Skip Cause I Can Mother Trucker~

The Heelshires tell you all about the rules, tour of the house, your room, Malcom, the Traps, whatever else. You will now get to the action and probably forget all of my previous writing. 🥲

The Heelshires drive off in the same car that brought me here and said their goodbyes to Brahms. I head back inside, holding Brahms, and I set him onto a chair in the dining room. "Well, Brahms, how about I make some breakfast cause I am starved" I say, getting out a pan and some eggs.

(You made eggs on toast for you and Brahms)

I get up and grab mine and Brahms plates, and I put Brahms plate in the fridge and wash mine. "How about some mus-" as I turn around, Brahms is gone. Great. Hide and seek time. I calmly check most of the house like in any closets or any place a doll can fit, but I don't find him, that's when I remember that Brahms did go through Gretas stuff...I quickly rush to my room and open my door to find the drawers opened, my clothes everywhere and the doll sitting on the bed. "Really, Brahms? Why do you have to be naughty? You better clean this up the next time i come in here, " I say, picking up the doll and heading to the libary when I hear a thud in the wall to my left, I just ignore it and I walk down the stairs, I sit down on the little chair infront of the piano. "Alright Brahms lets learn." I open the booklet on the stand and start practising a child's poem about flowers and rabbits with Brahms. After 23 minutes, I played the song once to show Brahms how it's supposed to sound and then showed him the keys and played it a second time going slower. "We will do more tomorrow, but that's how you play 'little red roses'." I say smiling at the doll on my lap.

I stand up, carrying Brahms in my arms and gently sit him down on a light yellow sofa and grab a book from the bookshelf called 'Watership Down' and sit next to Brahms, opening to the first page. "Two young rabbits, Hazel and Fiver, are out feeding. Though they are each only a year old and still under their full weight, it is clear that Hazel will be a large rabbit, but that Fiver will never be large. Fiver begins to get a bad feeling about the area." I read to doll Brahms for an hour and put a bookmark to save where we are at. "Let's see what music you have, Brahms," I say, walking over to the record player and opening the cabinet at the bottom to find stacks of records dating all the way back from 1937 to 1989. Then I spot a bright blue record case, I pull it out, and it reads 'The Dream Of Gerontius'. I put the record in and do the same thing that Mrs Heelshire did and classical music blasts throughout the house as I sweep around every room, making sure I bring Brahms with me.

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