Chapter 8: Midnight Mission pt. 2

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Externally, Kaeya is wholly unaffected. Internally, his thoughts are undeniably scrambled. He has felt this before, but Diluc has been acting strange. Yes, it's obvious at this point, but he thinks about it relentlessly. He thought it was strange when he showed up at his house unannounced; especially when he announced he wanted to make amends. Since then, his actions have been oddly... gentle, to the point it distresses Kaeya. It's as if Diluc thinks Kaeya is sensitive, or even fragile, Archons forbid. This treatment drives Kaeya to want to let his guard down, to relax for once in his life.

But he can't do that. He's terrified of that. If he becomes too soft, he'll be easily hurt.

—Easily deceived, easily discarded.

Diluc's actions are unexplainable. Kaeya caved to his request to make up because deep down, it's what Kaeya wants more than anything in his life. But even now, Kaeya is scared; as if he lets himself get too comfortable, everything will fall apart again. It causes a sickening feeling deep in his core some days.

When Diluc held his hands earlier, he hardly applied any pressure. His touch was so light Kaeya could argue he practically felt nothing, only the warmth emitting from it.

But why? He was never gentle with him before. Diluc has never been a delicate person, even when they were kids—though that roughness wasn't intended to be harmful back then. His grip is strong, the swing of his claymore is fatal, and his gaze is piercing; striking fear in the hearts of anyone who dares cross him.

So... why? Kaeya can't wrap his head around it.

Perhaps it's hopeless to try, as Diluc has made it clear he won't explain himself.

Not yet at least.

Trudging uphill through layers of snow, wind whipping at their faces, the two cloaked men eventually reach flatter ground as they come across Albedo's small cove. It hadn't taken them long to clear out the rest of the ground level camps beforehand, just as they predicted.

Aware that someone is likely there, Kaeya holds a hand out to Diluc as a signal to stop. Cautiously, Kaeya slinks up toward the edge of the entrance, then peeks over his left shoulder to glance inside.

In the split second he turns, he sees a figure in a blur of green and blue... Looks like Sucrose is on shift tonight.

While she's the least of threats compared to Albedo or the other captains—and if they were seen it wouldn't be hard to convince her to keep her mouth shut—it's still preferable to not let her notice them. Kaeya doesn't feel like dealing with any minor inconveniences and he's certain neither does Diluc.

Kaeya holds up his pointer finger, signifying one. Diluc nods in response.

There isn't any easy way around the cove, so the only possible option is to make sure Sucrose isn't paying attention and quickly pass by. She's an eccentric character, Kaeya has taken note of this a long time ago. He can only hope she's currently hyperfixated on a task or something.

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