"I always thought there was something going on between you two. I totally called this!" Sylvie shouts in manic enthusiasm. "Man, this is awesome. Congrats, you guys."

A genuine smile formed on Hazel's lips, "Thanks, Sylvie."

Calliope broke off a piece of the Pretzel in a basket, and she offered a piece to Hazel who opened her mouth. The blonde's mocha eyes rolled fondly and she fed the pretzel to her girlfriend, then she pops a piece past her own lips. As she finished her bite of the concession snack she took notice of Josie and PJ making their way up the stands toward them, her expression goes blank and annoyance quickly sets in as she glared at PJ.

Josie doubled over in front of them with heavy pants leaving her lips, she looked as if she's run a marathon or something. "Okay, first off, PJ has something to say to Hazel, so..." She peers over at the brunette stood beside her, gesturing for her to speak.

Calliope arched a brow as folds her arms over her chest, "This better be good, Peej."

When PJ stands there looking dumbfounded and frankly speechless, Josie shot her best friend an impatient look. "The apology. Do the apology. Do the apology instead."

"Okay." PJ snapped at Josie, then she centered her attention to Hazel. "I'm sorry that I called your mom a skank." The dark brunette stared ahead at the field, rolling her eyes as she heaves an exasperated sigh. Obviously, that wasn't all PJ did and she wanted a proper apology. "And I'm sorry for saying that you have no friends really loud in front of all of your friends." Hazel's eyes fell to her lap, there was a thoughtful look that crossed her features as she took in her words. "And I'm sorry for being an asshole a lot of the time."

Calliope scoffed, "A lot of the time? Nope." She shakes her head, "Try again."

"Most of the--" Calliope raised her brows at PJ, "All of the time." Her cousin admitted, getting a slow nod out of the blonde girl. "And I do think that it's nice you always take notes and then you type them up and email them to everyone..." Hazel nods as her eyes roll, but she keeps her focus on PJ as she listened intently. "And I really appreciate it." The dark brunette's eyes soften as she looked at PJ, contemplation covering her face. "Do you forgive me?"

As the blonde girl's eyes studied her cousin she could see the sincerity on her face, she could tell that was sorry and she truly meant every word she said. Calliope's known PJ all her life, and she knew what she could be like. Yes, she could be a real bitch who doesn't realize that the words she says can hurt people, but she isn't a horrible person. She's capable of change and growth, and she always apologized and learned from her mistakes.

All Calliope wanted was for her to apologize to Hazel for the hurtful things she said to her, and now that she's done that the grudge she held over her was no more. However, just because she may have forgiven her doesn't mean Hazel will. But having gotten to know the beautiful and one of kind soul that is Hazel Callahan, she knows there's a chance that she will. And so, she turns to her girlfriend and her brows raised as she awaited her answer.

Hazel rolled her eyes light-heartedly as a gentle smile curls on her lips, "Yes." A soft chuckle slips from her lips, PJ smiled at her as relief washed across her features.

Calliope grinned as she turned her gaze to PJ, "Sorry for the silent treatment, Peej. I was just waiting for you to apologize to Haze."

PJ shook her head and shoved her hands in her pockets, "It's fine, I totally deserved it. I was a complete and total asshole, It'll never happen again."

"It better not." Calliope joked, shooting her a playful glance.

"I don't want to interrupt this gorgeous moment but we don't have time now because I got information from a very confidential source that Huntington is trying to kill someone on this team tonight." Josie rambled out frantically.

Hit Like A Girl ━━ CALLAHANWhere stories live. Discover now