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Chapter Ten: "bad gut feelings"⌁₊˚⊹  ⊹˚₊⌁₊˚⊹  ⊹˚₊⌁₊˚⊹  ⊹˚₊⌁

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Chapter Ten:
"bad gut feelings"
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     THERE are days where Calliope wakes up with a pit forming in her stomach, and today was one of those days.

She didn't have a clue why she'd woken up with bad feeling sitting uncomfortably in her abdomen, but she ignored it and resumed her morning routine before she left her apartment and made her way to Hazel's house.

When she arrived at the dark brunette's house the pit in her stomach grew as the feeling raged on, but she pushed the sensation to the back burner as Hazel climbs into her vehicle and she continued her drive as she headed to school.

As she arrived at school and she and Hazel went their separate ways to their lockers, the feeling never ceased. She was beginning to feel like something bad was going to to happen, she just didn't know when. So as she closed her locker with her books in her arms as she made her way to Mr. G's classroom, she braced for something terrible to occur.

As Calliope made it through her classes she was overly aware and anxious, was there gonna be a fight? Would a student's stomach not be able to handle the garbage they serve for lunch and lose their lunch on the linoleum floors, would there be a fire and the whole building burns down?

The possibilities were endless, and for the life of her, she couldn't stop thinking about every single one.

Towards the end of her seventh hour ELA class period she shared with Hazel, their teacher Mrs. Wallace announced that they have an Pep Rally for the remaining 30 minutes left. The students all gathered their things as instructed, and they were released from the classroom to go to their lockers and grab their backpacks.

Calliope was stood at her locker filling her bag with her text books and folders, Hazel was stood beside her with her back against the metal walls as her bag hung off her shoulder. In the midst of getting the last remaining items into her bag, a book slips from her grip and hits the floor. The blonde huffs an agitated sigh as she went to reach down and grab it.

"I got it." Hazel assured her as she crouched to the floor and picked up her Art textbook, as she stood up she noticed the anxious expression scrawled on Calliope's features. "Hey, what's up with you today?" She asked as she hands over the book, "Your vibe is like... really off."

"Thanks, uhm..." Calliope nibbles her lower lip nervously as she takes the book, "I've been like... super anxious, and I have this feeling in my gut like something bad is gonna happen. It's been bothering me since I woke up this morning, I've been trying to ignore it."

Hazel's head tilts as confusion floods her features, "Huh, what do you think will happen?"

"No idea." Calliope shrugs as she closed her locker, pulling her bag straps over her shoulders. She glanced at Hazel and arched a teasing brow at her, "You didn't bring any c-4 with you today, did you?"

Hit Like A Girl ━━ CALLAHANWhere stories live. Discover now