♥️⚡️Deltarune Headcanons PT2

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the title-

Really likes collecting unusual items, used to do it a lot with Asriel (stuff like bugs and bottle caps)

Her hair is naturally curly, but she straightened it beyond recognition. Sometimes you can see the curls reappear after a while.

Dyed her hair red once, she never wants to do it again.

"Sorry I can't come down to dinner right now, someone is wrong on the internet!"

Fell trying to use a skateboard once.

Really likes blueberry flavored foods/sweets. It's probably the only candy you'd see in the castle.

Dubbed as the Father Figure of the kingdom, he has neither confirmed nor denyied it so its okay.

Accidentially cuts himself with the Devilsknife when practicing tricks, Seam helps patch them :)

Hard Of Hearing, learned ASL with Jevil and Rouxls.

tbh i cant think of anything else for him other than the fact he gives me Baron Draxum vibes from ROTTMNT 😭😭

Says "You Gays" instead of "You Guys" very often, mostly on accident.

Many people like to think Swatch likes pastries, as it's what they sell the most in the Color Cafe, but Swatch enjoys fruit more often than sweets!
(im a sucker for animal characters with animal habits)

Tasque Manager:
An obvious cat woman, Queen probably had a separate room for all the Tasques.

His nose can probably stab you like a pterodactyl but we haven't tested it yet, Jevil has volenteeted on numerous accounts. Each have been denyed.

(edit: i forgot the scc first time whoops)

Has difficulty seeing due to having a single eye, he relys mostly on sound and his siblings to get around (because they're loud af)

Probably insecure about how he looks without sunglasses. Does this have angst potential? Sure.

Gets internally pissed when a customer mispronounces their name.

if i missed anyone, or you would like to request someone, please comment! :D

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