"You, you have cook hands! you hunt and pick for supper today for all, me watch over give tips." Yara gesture to Draken's hands before she points to Hanma when he came back for some for dirty dishes.

"Hanma, have hands for baking and me want him to today for supper also. Sanzu hands only for skinning animals and sewing, they steady and still, good for precision work."

"Thanks Yara, I'll get right on that." Draken smiles at her.

"Glade! Come here!" Yara yells for her son which he immediately comes at his mothers call, Glade is a teen that looks exactly like his father expect he's more thinner but with time he'll also be packing the muscles he's father has.

"Show him the food of nature, what to eat and not." Glade nods grabbing a sack or two before leading Draken into the forest to show him the ropes of a gather and how to step up traps.

Secret Quest, Completed!
      - Life of a gather skill level 1
      - Trapper skill level 1

"Thanks Glade, you can return home now." Glade nods seeing that Draken want to try his skill on his own now after Draken quickly blink the notification away after giving it a quick glance.

"Kesor?" Draken hissed into the air knowing that she can hear him even when she's with Hanma and Sanzu, she pops into existence at the call knowing one of us will be calling after the notification.

"Secret Quest?" Draken questioned as he look closely at the plant in front of him.

"Your system gets random updates but you won't know it as Agnus likes being complicated like that, it's the chaos he craves." Kesor shrub her shoulders as she bounce in the air.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Draken picks more herbs and other eatable things but since of the new gather skill his fingers has a easier time pickinvg, she just saids that she wasn't supposed to until now as she floats to the ground to stand on her feet next to Draken.

Back at the house Hanma is kneading dough in the kitchen while wearing Yaras light blue apron which is small on Hanma large frame as Yara is watching from the kitchen island, Ione looks exactly like her mother Yara and a year younger then her brother Glade as she teaches Sanzu how to sew while the youngest child Nox is playing outside with his friends. Hanma puts the dough into a bowl with a clean dish towel over and into the fridge to sit before getting started on making biscuits, by the time the biscuits is done and Hanma just had popped in the bread to bake in the oven Darken comes in with the two sacks filled and two rabbits.

"Ione, thank you for the lesson but I have a dinner to help with." She nods in understanding and smile at me as she continue on with her pattern when I set the one I'm working in the chair I've been sitting in, I have a feeling she's developing a crush on Sanzu. Draken hands the two rabbits over to Sanzu to skin which he takes into the backyard which Yara immediately followings to see how his skinning work is, Draken works on cleaning and cutting everything he picked to cook.

"You don't open this particular fruit like that." Ione hand lays gently over Draken's own hand that is holding the knife which she gently takes from him and show him how to do it properly.

"If you opened it the way you was going to you'll mostly only get seeds." She glances up at Draken before continuing showing me how to open the fruit but I know what's she's doing she's trying her best to attach herself to one of us, any of us that is willing take her.

'She must be desperate to get love that isn't friends or family, she must have been turned down by her crush or something.'

"Thanks." That is all Draken said to her as to not want to give her any false hope that there might be something between them, she give Draken a awkward smile before slowly walking away right as Sanzu comes in with two cleaned skinned rabbits and bloody hands.

Secret Quest, Completed!
      - Life of a skinner skill level 1

"He good but not great, with time he will be great in skinning animals." Yara comments as Sanzu hands over the two rabbits to Draken before washing his hands and the knife, once he sure all the blood is completely gone he goes back to his pattern in the living room and isn't surprised when seeing Ione is missing from her chair.

'that must have stung but it needed to happen, she must be in her room sulking'

"Yara, did Ione get rejected?" Draken ask as he prepare to start cooking rabbit stew with bread and biscuits as a side, Yara and Hanma sits at the kitchen island which Hanma checks the bread every so often.

"She has crush on this boy, Pierre. He is framer boy like his dad but don't know if she told him about her feelings, why you ask?" Draken sighed.

"You're going have to talk to her, she's trying to attach to one of us, anyone that is willing to give her love that isn't friends or family, to her it doesn't matter about age and that dangerous." Draken tells bluntly as Yara needs to know before something bad happens to Ione, Yara bows her head in thought.

"Thank you for telling." She says before pushing me aside take over the cooking at seeing Draken cluelessness on how to insert one of the rabbits into the stew .

"Watch closely." She shows me how to cut the meat off the bones and into the stew that's filled with edible plants Draken picked earlier with Glades help.

Secret Quest, Completed!
      - Baker skill level 1

The notification pops up right as Hanma sit the finish baked bread onto the kitchen island to cool off which Yara takes a taste test of along with the biscuits.

"Bread hard but will get better with practice and biscuits good on first try." She gesture to the biscuits will be for supper as the side, Draken pops the last rabbit into the oven to bake. While that bakes Yara moves around the kitchen to cook a little more for supper to actually fill eight people.

"Only you three eat this for supper, if eat all then you three can eat good everyday by own hands." Yara is a mother after all so she worries about the people she cares for which I can see she had come to care for us too even if it's only been a few days we've been staying in her home. We set the table once everything is cooked and bring all the food onto the dinning table.

"They made baked rabbit, rabbit stew, and biscuits! Draken picked and trapped, Hanma baked, and Sanzu skinned rabbits! Can cook for themselves when traveling!" Yara sounds proud as she tells the chief about our achievements like we're their own kids.

"It's all thanks to you, Yara." Yara hears the words Hanma didn't say and nods at us.

"You all fast learners." Yara smiles bright at us.

"You taste test their cooking?" Yara ask her husband while gesturing to our food which he nods.

"Although I put most of the stew together, Yara showed me how to need the rabbit in." Draken sip at his cup of water since him and the other two denied the offered liquor, not knowing how these three bodies can even handle it.

"I'm begging you...." Hanma sings softly as he undos Draken's braid as the two sits on the bed already changed into their borrowed PJs, Sanzu is currently changing into his.

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