Nightmare (Clay x Viva)

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No Troll left behind....or at least that's what she thought.

She was running underground through the earthy and dirty tunnels, her little legs were numb and aching, her little arms felt heavy and sore, and she could barely breathe, her small heartbeat racing, but that didn't bother her. What's more important is ensuring all the Trolls would safely make it across to the other side of the tunnel, away from the dreadful predators above, Bergans.

Her voice grew tired of repeating the same phrase, "no troll left behind" but that's all she could think about. If she was going to be a great and prominent Queen to her future subjects, what better way to start than guiding her future people to refuge?

She already told her father she was going back inside to see if there were other Trolls, to her surprise, there were a lot, and I mean a lot. Not everyone could keep up, so she bravely ran inside, guiding them to the exit.

She shouted, her lungs aching and begging for rest, but she ignored them. Her ears perked up, hearing screams and shouts full of agony and dread, deeper in the tunnel.

As if her muscles had a mind of their own, she quickly dashed further down, she knew she would find her Trolls and bring them home safely, what she didn't know was that what she saw down there would haunt her nights forever.

There, she saw Trolls, under heavy rocks and dirt, gasping for air and screaming in pain. Those shouts and loud voices made her heart hurt, another reason for her to keep going.

That's when the sound of something digging can be heard, she looked up, and her worst fears came true. The Bergans have found them. The sound of shovels digging underground closely resembled the shrieks of thunder, causing her to freeze in fear.

As she was anxiously trying to remove the rocks, she saw another shovel digging through, the soil and dirt collapsing on a runaway Troll. He died as the heavy layers of ground suffocated him, his last words being small gasps for air. Who knew that scene would have traumatized several Trolls that day?

That's when she saw a shadow above her, a giant, pale blue hand reaching the bottom, its voice having a grunting and scaly sound.

The voice shouted, causing the ground to shake, the tunnels were collapsing, and sooner or later, they would collapse on her and the several other Trolls she promised to save.

She looked around, trying to think fast to save everyone, but it was no use. She would die stupidly as a hero, trying to save Trolls who had no chance of surviving. On that day, she felt like an idiot and a terrible leader.

I'm so sorry Dad
I won't see you again, or Poppy
Please forgive me

A light tear fell off her face, and as if the world around her stopped, everything went black, cold, and silent.

Viva woke up, cold sweat all over her body, her voice was shaky and she couldn't breathe properly, her whole body was shaky and jittering. She looked at her hands, tears forming in her eyes, it was a dream. A really, really bad dream.

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