11.- infact, I love you.

Comenzar desde el principio

Susannah comfortingly patted her shoulder as she walked past.  " yeah, he won't talk to me about it either. "

Matilda bit her nails anxiously, looking out through the doors at him from where she was. " I just want him to be okay, even if he doesn't tell me, I want him to at least tell someone. "

Susannah smiled comfortingly, " don't worry honey, it's not you, even you know what our Connie's like. "

Matilda chuckled heartily.

Laurel nodded, smiling fondly, " remember that one time he broke his arm but he didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to be a burden? " she shook her head, chuckling. Susannah and Matilda both cracked a smile too.

" classic Connie. " Susannah commented, sighing . Matilda hummed in agreement.

Matilda and Susannah both looked at Conrad, before sharing a knowing look.

" do you think you could talk to him? " Susannah asked Laurel. " you've always had a way of making him open up "

Laurel looked thoughtful for a moment, " I'm on it. " she smiled, walking outside to Conrad.

Conrad took his seat at the table, he didn't actually tell Laurel about what was wrong, but he did feel better. Laurel always understood Conrad, shes a quiet , calm women, and as a kid Conrad always followed her around, finding peace in her introvert ways .

He sat next to Matilda, placing a soft, gentle kiss on her forehead as she looked up, smiling at him adoringly as a greeting.

While everyone was laughing, and talking, Jeremiah cleared his throat, " so cam, " he began, his tone passive aggressive, filled with evident laces of jealousy , " mind if I call you Cam Cameron? " he smiled, raising a brow challengingly.

Cam merely chuckled, " sure man, it's funny! " he smiled. Jeremiah smiled back with gritted teeth, " cool. "

" I'm glad you're here, Cameron. " Susannah spoke up, taking a sip of her drink, " I know your mum from the club, Denise. I've heard a lot about you."

Cam smiled, politely, " Thank you so much for having me, Susannah, my mom says hi."

"Mm!" Susannah nodded, smiling fondly. Jeremiah merely rolled his eyes.

" Cam, have you ever had miyoek guk ? It's a Korean birthday tradition. " Laurel questioned, passing him a bowl.

" No, looks so good. Thank you! " Cameron responded charmingly, taking the bowl.

" Belly told me you were vegetarian, so I put no meat in it. " Laurel smiled, sitting down.

" Thanks Laurel! " Cam chuckled.

" why don't you eat meat Cam Cameron? " Jeremiah asked, loudly.

" oh, the meat industry is like the number one contributor to global warming. " Cam began,

"Mm" Jeremiah nodded, sarcastically.

Belly shot Jeremiah an annoyed look.

"And I just, I like animals." Cam chuckled warmly.

Laurel smiled widely, approval written all over her face.

Taylor also nodded approvingly, " sure, just don't come for my leather jacket. " she joked.

" I think you mean pleather. " Steven commented, snickering.
"Ooh!" Jeremiah chuckled.

Jeremiah and Conrad both started to laugh, as Matilda nudged Conrad gently with her shoulder.

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