"Please don't get reckless, this time." The Outspoken Diva warned.

"Don't do anything stupid. We got him right where we want him." Seth added.

Dean tries to throw Punk to the steel steps but Punk reverses it and Dean gets hit instead. Punk rolls inside the ring while the ref begins to count. Roman picks Dean up and throws him back in the ring as he tags in Seth. Punk manages to dodge Seth's attack off the top rope and hits him with a one leg clothesline. Punk tries to crawl to his partners but Roman gets tagged back in and drags him back to his corner. He walks up to the New Age Outlaws and mocks them by doing the DX taunt.

But when Roman turns around, Punk roundhouse kicks him. The New Age Outlaws try to hype up the crowd while Punk crawls over to them. He gets up and jumps for a tag but they jump off the apron.

"What?" She exclaimed while Punk looked on in shock and the crowd 'Ohs'

"Wait a­-what is this?" King asked. "Guys, what are we seeing here?"

Punk stands up and turns around to look at Seth, Dean, and Roman surrounding him around the ring. Morgan was a little taken aback that the New Age Outlaws would betray Punk.

"Punk is alone," Cole said.

Punk hits Seth off the apron and hits Roman with a neckbreaker. He hits Dean off the apron and Seth runs back into the ring, only to be thrown out of the ring, near the announce table. Punk turns around, only to be speared by Reigns and pinned.

"And a spear by Reigns! The numbers game." Cole looked on




"Here are your winners, The Shield!" Lilian announced as they all got in the ring.

"Let's go!" Roman yelled and motioned Seth and Dean for the triple powerbomb.

"Uh oh," King said. "That's enough, you've done enough damage."

Roman roars while Punk struggles to get out of Dean and Seth's hold. Morgan motions them to stop what they are doing and they hold Punk down on his knees for her.

"Stop struggling, it'll only make things worse. Take it like a man." She said and kneed him in the face.

"That did not look pretty at all!" Cole exclaimed.

"Ouch," King cringed.

The Shield pick him up and does the triple powerbomb on Punk.

"Punk's been decimated."

Morgan tweets 'Yep...Once a DX member, always a DX member. Looks like the #KingOfCrap wants to get #Punked by CMPunk'


"Please welcome my guests, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Morgan Lopez, and Roman Reigns, The Shield." Renee said. Morgan, Seth, Roman and Dean stand before Renee and Morgan greeted her with a smile. "Now for the male members of The Shield, it's every man for themselves at the Royal Rumble and as Vickie said, brother versus brother, with the three of you being entered in the Royal Rumble match, I just wanted to know if you guys have devised a plan to remain a unit."

"The Shield is a finely crafted machine that does not break down, the real question, is how are the 27 other superstars in the Royal Rumble going to compete against the most dominant force in WWE," Dean said. "Trust me darlin', we're all on the same page."

"Are you all on the same page, Dean? I mean if it came down to it and you had to throw Seth Rollins over the top rope, to win the Royal Rumble." Renee began while Seth chuckled, Dean put his hand over his heart, and Morgan & Roman looked on with interest. "To go on and headline WrestleMania, for the WWE World Heavyweight championship, would you do it?"

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