Chapter 2

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-Author Pre- Note-

Thanks to my amazing editor MissRebeccitaCullen!! Thank You!!!  <3

Chapter 2:

That night I couldn’t sleep, I just laid there starring at my ceiling, sobbing softly into my pillow. My thoughts were jumbled, but one that seemed to reoccur constantly was, “He doesn’t like me, he doesn’t want me, what am I going to do?”

I knew my feelings for him had to disappear, but how was I supposed to do that when they are so strong? Who knows, but I do know one thing, they have to go away if I want to be happy, to move on with my life after this depressing rejection.

The next few days were filled with desperately trying to rid any thoughts of him. But this proved useless. I came to the decision that this is going to be harder than I ever anticipated.  Getting over him seemed impossible; this boy, whom I had got know very well is a short period of time, had turned my world upside down and somehow I have to change it back around? It’s proving impossible.

It was a sunny hot lunch break at school, and I was sitting on the grass eating an apple and reading a novel, when Charlotte suddenly came running up to me full of excitement and energy.  “Ella, I am organising with Eloise a group outing, you, me, Casey, Michael, Aaron and Christian, please come, you have to?”  She so loudly screamed in my ear. “Charlotte, I want to, but I’m trying to get over Christian, and focus on my current relationship!” I sullenly replied with. “Please, I can’t go without you,” “Fine.” Wow way to make my life more difficult than it already is, good job Ella, I thought, make someone else happy but make yourself miserable, well done.

I looked in the mirror, took in a deep breath, told myself, “Tonight will run smoothly, it will be fine, just don’t speak to him and you won’t even know he is there.” Oh how wrong I was.

Well when the movie night finally came, Mum pulled up outside the cinemas and adding to my miserable state, it was raining. My stomach was full of butterflies, my heart was racing and my thoughts were muddled. Just what I needed I thought. I opened the car door and took a leap of faith into the unknown future. I walked towards the foyer at the cinemas and the first person I saw was Eloise, then Casey, then Charlotte, Michael and Aaron, but no Christian. I was relieved, but then I thought maybe he wasn’t coming, and which lead to my disappointment when the thought of not seeing him invaded my mind. Just my luck, just as I started to breathe normal again, and the butterfly’s disappeared, I saw him, walking towards the group. My stomach literally dropped. Awesome start to the night I thought.

It was awkward waiting in the line-up for the tickets, conversation were brief and I didn’t know what to say, we walked in and sat down, Christian just happened to be sitting to the right of me and Eloise was to the left. This just had to increase the already crazy movement of butterflies in my stomach, made my heart beat incredibly faster and a huge blush to form on my cheeks. The movie finally started and I couldn’t concentrate, I was flirting with him but I knew it wouldn’t go anywhere. This was the start to an interesting movie and night.

Halfway through the movie Casey and Charlotte gave the signal to go to the bathroom, and we all left. “OMG! ELLA, YOU AND CHRISTIAN, OMG, YOU HAVE TO KISS HIM”, said Casey. “Are you crazy, I have a boyfriend, besides he doesn’t like me,” I reply with, but they kept persisting. “Kiss him!” Casey and Charlotte shouted at the same time. Awesome, busted eardrums and annoying, life-decision makers I so happen to call friends.

I was shaking like a leaf. I looked at myself in the mirror, washed my face and took a moment to try to get my breathing under control. As exited the bathroom, and walked down the hallway and re-entered the cinema, Eloise asked if I wanted to sit down the front with her. I couldn’t form a coherent sentence so I just nodded my head yes. After about 10 minutes sitting at the front, she told me that she was heading back up. I however needed to sit here for a bit longer so I can organise my thoughts. She smiled in response and walked back up the stairs to join the rest of the group.

I sat there watching my hands shake; feeling my cheeks which were burning hot. What was it about him that made me feel this connection between us? Before I could let my body return to normal, a familiar figure sat down next to me… Christian.

“Hello,” he whispered, “Hey”. Great, just great I thought.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes just watching the movie, but I didn’t know what was happening, I was too focused on how close he was sitting to me. I could hear him breathing; I could feel his body next to mine. I just stared into his eyes, those beautiful eyes, I wanted him to kiss me, I really did, but I had a boyfriend and he wasn’t interested. After a while we started talking and laughing during the movie and I felt my heart, still racing, it just didn’t stop…

After the movies and everyone had left, Casey and I grabbed a hot chocolate and sat in some chairs, just staring up into the night sky. “I think I have to break up with my boyfriend.” I told her, breaking the silence between us. “Yeah you do. You and Cam are like, wow!” “He told me he doesn’t date girls that don’t go to his school.” I explained sadly. “He likes you El, everyone can see it,” she was persistent, that’s for sure, but I wasn’t going to do anything if she doesn’t agree with it, he is her ex-boyfriend. “Are you ok with it though, you are my friend, and he is your ex.” “Ha! I couldn’t care less.” Well if I do decide to make a move, at least I have the okay; I really couldn’t be with my boyfriend anymore!

I got home, sat in the middle of my room and just looked at the floor. I was nervous, shaking which wasn’t unusual after that night.  Before I could decipher and make actions, I was calling Christian. It went to voicemail; “Hey Chris, it is me, I REALLY need to talk to you, please call me it’s important.”

After my actions finally sunk in, I hung up the phone in a desperate escape to redeem some self-control. At this, I knew I had to break it off with my boyfriend, it is mean of me to lead him on when I know it won’t last. I didn’t know what to do, I was so scared. I talked to my boyfriend and I told him about Christian, and funny enough he understood.

After that emotional drama, I went for a hot shower; just something about the water in my hair makes me feel calm and safe. I came back into my room to see a Facebook message had popped up on my phone;

Christian Rawstron- 9:26pm

Ella, what’s up, are you ok? You sounded scared on the phone what happened?

Ella Henson- 9:45pm

I broke up with my boyfriend.

Christian Rawstron- 9:46pm

Wow! Wait, what?

Ella Henson- 9:50pm

It didn’t feel right, being with him, when I have feelings for you.

Christian Rawstron- 9:51pm

Ella, I like you, I really do but I have to go pack.  I leave for Thailand in 2 days for the next 2 weeks. If I don’t get a chance to talk to you tomorrow before I leave, I will talk to you when I get back. Xx

*Christian Rawstron is offline* 

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