'Why is a duffle bag with your name on it by the front gate?' Phew. Guess he doesn't know.

'F-forgot it' I say. He stares at me, obviously not buying the bullshit.

'Okay, let me rephrase, why is there a duffle bag with your name on it by the front gates at 2 am?' He asks me.

Because your family don't want you anymore.

'I'm not talking about this' I say, heading inside, closing the door. I'm too tired to even kill myself. I just climb into my futon, wishing it was a coffin.


I wake up, noticing the duffle bag on the floor.

You're no longer a Todoroki. And soon, you won't be a UA student.

I notice my clock, and see school starts in 10 minutes. Who gives a shit. I roll over, falling back to sleep.


There's a loud crashing on my door.

'FUCKING OPEN UP ICY HOT' A voice yells. I ignore it. Who gives a shit anymore.

'IF YOU DON'T OPEN THE DOOR, I'M BLASTING IT DOWN'. I don't want to get in trouble for damaging school property. I get up, opening the door.

'Damn. You look like shit' He says. I rub my eyes. 'Least I don't act like a shit' I say. 'Tch' he says.

'What do you want' I say. 'Why weren't you in class?' He demands. I just shut the door on him. Can't be bothered to deal with it.

However, I realise that I've made a mistake; his foot is in the doorway. I sigh, giving up, walking away from the door and climbing back into bed. I hear footsteps follow me.

'Get out of bed' He demands. 'Eat shit' I say. All of a sudden, my weighted blanket is being yanked off me.

'GIVE IT BACK!' I scream, trying to grab it. 'NOT UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU!' He yells back.

'Sick' I say, giving up and lying on my futon without the blanket. I hear him crouch down next to me, as he touches my forehead with the back of his hand.

'Bullshit' He says. I groan. 'Please could you do me a favour and fuck off' I say. He laughs. 'Damn Todoroki. Your mouth's worse than mine today'.

You're not a Todoroki.

I lie silent, hoping he'll give up and leave. All of a sudden, he's yanking me up by my left arm.

'FUUUUUCK!' I scream, the pain unbearable. He looks at me in confusion. 'What-' he begins.

'DO ME A FAVOUR AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!' I scream, shoving him out of my room. I slam the door. The noise makes me want to vomit. In fact, everything just seems...wrong.

I scream. And scream. And scream. I keep screaming, hoping that by screaming I can stop feeling everything at once.

I see things, hear things, feel things, but don't know what they are. Things flash in and out of my vision. Am I punching the walls? Or the floor? I have no idea. Am I even in my dorm? Who knows. All I know, is that there's a person sized hole where a person should be.

I feel something warm grab me. I scream, hitting it as hard as I can. It grabs me again. I fight, throwing punches, kicking, biting, screaming. I just want whatever is touching me to GO AWAY. I can taste blood. Is it mine? Somebody elses? I don't care anymore.

'JESUS ICY HOT JUST CALM THE FUCK DOWN!' I hear a voice yell. That sounds like Backugo. Why's Backugo here? I thought I shoved him away.

'FUCK OFF!' I find myself screaming, a primal scream, so raw it suprises even me. I kick again. Scream again. Maybe if I keep screaming all the air will leave my lungs and I can die.


That's what I want. I try scrambling away, but then I am being tugged down, and something is sitting on top of me. The pressure helps me find the ground again. And just like that, I have no energy again.

I open my eyes, and see a very red and exhausted Backugo sat on me. 'Jesus - *huffs* - christ - *huffs*' He says inbetween breaths. 'That *huffs* was *huffs* exhausting *huffs*'. I notice his arms. They have various scratches and bite marks. I look down at my own arms. My bare arms. MY BARE ARMS.

He knows.

'Shit' I say matter of factly. The panting above me begins to subside. 'Todoroki. If I let you go, you're not going to like freak out again are ya?'

I shake my head. Even if I wanted to escape, I have no energy. The lump slides off me, sitting next to me on the floor.

'You good now?' He asks. Am I good? I have no idea what happened. 'Dunno' I say. 'Sorry for biting you'. He laughs. 'It's all good. I've had worse'.

He knows about your cuts. He'll think you're weak.

I briefly look around my room, spotting my jumper that must've come off in the struggle. I pull it back on.

'You gotta bandage your arms first' He says. 'Or you'll get blood on it'.

Told you.

'Don't care' I say. I spot my weighted blanket, then pull it over me. 'Tch' he says. He gets up. Maybe he's finally going.

Then I hear some shuffling around my bathroom. I hear his footsteps.

'Arm' he says. I have no energy to comply. I just lie there. 'Fine'. He says. I half expect him to yank my arm, but he gingerly pulls up my sleeve, then begins applying antiseptic.

He says nothing, but I feel him bandaging up my arm, then pulling my sleeve back down. He continues sitting there in silence.

'Please leave' I manage to whisper out. He sighs. 'If you miss class, I miss class'.

'Whatever' I say.

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