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That night, on December 26th 2088, Radia's Control Tower, that was now inhabited by The Huntress, was spitting out lots of intense bright red light all over its surroundings, giving the many mounds of snow a light pink blanket of colour.  Unlike the other buildings that surrounded it, the Control Tower had no visible Christmas decorations, all except for one quite poorly made snowman that the two sector bots who were supposed to be guarding the front entrance had made, out of their own boredom.

Inside the Tower, The Huntress was seated in Radia's old office without her usual long red cloak on, looking through some of the footage that had been taken from the camera in Lee's eye, studying it in an obsessive kind of way.  The footage showed pretty much everything that had happened to the group of friends ever since Lee's optical systems were hacked into on that holo-train, from meeting Molly and the runaway bots, and the night of the rescue mission, all from his point of view.

Suddenly, two bots entered the room, carefully holding The Huntress's cloak that had just been repaired, one was a standard Sector Bot and the other was one of the former runaway bots with orange body lights.

"Um, excuse me, Madam Huntress, we have repaired and washed your cloak as you asked" one of them said.

The Huntress then span around in the freakishly tall chair that she was sitting in to face the two bots.

"Oh, thank you very much" she politely said as she rose from the chair and took her cloak from the two bots before gracefully hurling it around her upper body to put it on. 

Once The Huntress had put her cloak back on, the pair of bots stood still and silent for a few seconds.

"Is there anything else that we could do for you" the former runaway bot asked kindly.

"No, that will be all, thank you. You may leave me now" The Huntress politely replied.

The two bots then obediently nodded before casually strolling back out of the office as The Huntress watched them impatiently.

As soon as she was finally alone again, The Huntress hurriedly sat back down and twirled the enormous old chair back around to face the multiple monitor screens, which happened to be showing a lot of footage of Ryan.

Every time The Huntress's eye met with Ryan's face on the screens, she became increasingly more irritated, remembering the exact moment when Ryan took down Radia.  Her frustration continued to grow until she eventually tightened her fist and jumped up from the huge chair, before angrily pounding the pause button with great force.  All the large monitor screens in front of The Huntress then paused on a frame where Ryan's face was in focus, to which she slowly lifted her head to glare at them with her back crooked like a witch.

"Ryan McKrenick, wherever you are, I will find you, and when I do, I will finally take my revenge!" she monstrously uttered aloud...


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