Chapter 5

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Recap : "Better go to the class and start studying instead of talking about whoever enters this school!"


The students were to scared to speak anything else. They all went to their classes and Ryujin started approaching a girl who was wearing glasses. That girl widened her eyes as she saw Ryujin approaching her.

"I'm sorry Miss! I'll go back to my class!"
She said suddenly while Ryujin looked at her in confusion.

"Where's the Principal's office?"
She asked that girl who realised that Ryujin didn't yell at her.

"Oh, it's on the second floor. You'll see a big cabin."
That girl said and Ryujin nodded.

Ryujin who was dressed up in all black was walking in the school premises with her powerful aura. Her gaze was so intimidating that no one was able to look directly into her eyes.

She entered the cabin and saw a guy in white uniform sitting in front of them, it was Jongseong, Black Claw's left hand.

"Who are you?"
The old aged man, who was in front of Jongseong asked.

The moment he said it, that old man's expressions faded as he looked at Ryujin who sat in front of him with her right leg on the other.

"Oh, Ms. Shin!"
His tone suddenly changed and Ryujin tilted her head to the other side.

"You can teach here till you want!"
The principal said as she nodded.

"Let me introduce you to your class."
He said as Ryujin stood up and he led her to a class.

The students who were chatting sat straight when they saw principal walking in their class followed by a short haired girl.

"Students! This is your new Chemistry teacher, Ms. Shin Ryujin!"
He introduced while Ryujin ran her eyes all over the classroom.

"I hope you get along with your new teacher!"
With that, he left the class.

"Let's start with Organic chemistry first."
She said to the students and before she could write anything on the board, she heard a student speak.

"Let's start with introduction Ms. Shin!"
A guy said in a vulgar and mocking tone which Ryujin understood right away.

"Whoever that was, you can gladly go outside and don't ever dare to interrupt me!"
Ryujin yelled so loudly that most of the students started to shiver. She took a deep breath and turned towards the board.

She wrote a chemical formula of a hydrocarbon and wrote its name as "Methylpropene".

"Which one of you will tell me that after ozonolysis, what products will this hydrocarbon form?"
The class went silent at her question.

"That's an easy one."
She said but still there wasn't any response.

"C'mon now!"
She yelled and right after it, she heard a voice.

"Propanone and Methanal."
She looked at the source of voice and found a fox eyed student looking straight into her eyes. Ryujin nodded as it was the correct answer so she decided to pose another question.

"How many sigma bonds are present in Propane?"
Ryujin asked.

That student replied within a second.

"Can you tell me the methods to convert ethanoic acid into benzene?"
She asked another question which might be a little difficult. She folded her arms.

"Ethanoic acid, on reaction with sodium hydroxide, forms sodium acetate. So, in presence of heat and soda lime, we can take Methane and do its chlorination to form chloromethane. After its Wurtz Reaction, we're left with Ethane and on treatment with chlorine, we get chloroethane. So we form ethene from Chloroethane on the treatment with alcoholic potash. Ethene reacts with Bromine to form Bromomethane which again reacts with alcoholic potash to form bromoethene. And when bromoethene reacts with sodium amide, it forms Ethyne. And we can convert ethyne into benzene by passing it through a red hot tube at 873K temperature, also known as cyclic polymerization."
That student said again and Ryujin got impressed by how effortlessly he said that answer. She expected him to pause but he didn't even stop once while speaking.

"Wow, I've no words."
She said.

"You really impressed me, even I tend to forget these things sometimes but the way you answered all my questions effortlessly was fascinating."
Ryujin said and even she wasn't believing that she complimented someone so genuinely.

"Thank you, Ms. Shin."
That boy said but he looked like didn't feel honoured at all. It almost felt like he was just doing it for formality.

"Also, may I know your name?"
Ryujin asked, getting more intrigued about him.

"Nishimura Riki."

Her Obsession | Beomgyu x RyujinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ