Chapter 1

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3:03 AM

In a huge building painted in black and white, a meeting was going on. With Mr. Kim hosting the meeting. In front of him, sat two girls. The short haired girl was looking at Mr. Kim dead in the eye without any fear with a straight face while the another girl beside her was stealing glances and looking down. Behind those girls stood two guys. One in black suit and the other one in white suit.

"Look Ryujin, it's not safe for you."
Mr. Kim tried to convince her but Ryujin didn't bother to listen. She just rolled her eyes.

"I don't fear anyone, I blew up that island in one go."
Ryujin said in a deep voice and Mr. Kim could only sigh.

"That's the whole point! You blew up that island and that's why every enemy is after you, you should hide for sometime."
Mr. Kim again said but it wasn't easy for him to convince Shin Ryujin.

"Chaeryeong, she only listens to you, please convince her."
Mr. Kim looked at the girl beside Ryujin who nodded at him.

"Ryu, I was thinking if-"
Her words got interrupted by Ryujin's deadly glare as if she was saying "you dare question me?"

Chaeryeong again lowered her head while making an annoyed face at Ryujin. Ryujin finally stood up along with Chaeryeong and the other two guys.

"Ryujin! How about you focus on the business now, you're S.R and I think you should invest in my company!"
Ryujin stopped walking after hearing a person in the meeting say but she didn't turn around. The one wearing the black suit pointed a gun at that man.

"Do not order the Black Claw, you got that?"
The guy said and the man who gave a suggestion to Ryujin gulped in fear.

"Jaeyun, put that down."
Ryujin said calmly as he put his gun down.

"Shin Ryujin, just do it for Eunchae, atleast hide for her security."
Mr. Kim said for the last time as Ryujin turned around.


11:03 AM

There's a beautiful mansion where lived the Choi family which was a really happy and a cheerful family.

An old lady was sitting in the living room calling someone. This is Choi Sooyun, Beomgyu's grandmother.

"Minjeong! Where are you?!"
She was yelling and a middle aged man showed up. He was Choi Myung Dae, Beomgyu's dad.

"Mom, what are you yelling for?"
Mr. Choi asked her as she made face at him.

"Why can't this girl wake up early!"
She continued to yell and rant until they heard a voice.

"I'm awake Grandma!"
A girl was walking towards the living room through the staircase. This is Choi Minjeong, Beomgyu's twin sister.

"Oh right, you're awake! But princess, you should've slept more, it's too early!"
Grandma said in a mocking voice with sarcasm coated on every single word that came out from her mouth.

"Minjeong! You're getting late!"
They heard a voice of a beautiful woman who was middle aged. This is Choi Soomin, Beomgyu's mom.

"Mom, it's my day off!"
Minjeong replied.

"Mom, I'm going to office."
They all saw a tall guy walking hurridly. This is Choi Yeonjun, the elder brother to Beomgyu and Minjeong.

"But do come on time!"
Mrs. Choi said to Yeonjun who already left. They all shook their heads until they heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll see who's there."
Mrs. Choi said and went to open the door.

Ryujin looked at Mr. Kim and sighed. After a few seconds of silence, she nodded.

"Where am I supposed to go."
She asked unwillingly.

"Seoul, South Korea."
Ryujin nodded in agreement at Mr. Kim's statement.

Ryujin left the huge building and then sat inside a black car on the backseat and the guy in white suit.

Meanwhile, Chaeryeong sat on the passenger's seat along with Jaehyun who was driving.

"Chaeryeong, do you think that there would be someone who would be able to tame our boss?"
Jaeyun said jokingly and Chaeryeong laughed.

"I think he forgot to spawn."
Chaeryeong added as both of them bursted into a laughter. Jaeyun stopped laughing but he had a smile now.

"No, seriously. I really want someone who'll change her life and teach her to live her life happily."
Jaeyun said with a genuine emotion and Chaeryeong nodded.

"What if she finds that 'someone' in South Korea?"
Chaeryeong said as he smiled.

Soon, they all reached at their destination and got outside their cars with Ryujin facing Chaeryeong and Jaehyun.

"Lee Chaeryeong and Sim Jaeyun, go to Seoul, me and Jongseong will head afterwards."
They both nodded at her.

"Yes boss."
Saying that, both of them left. Ryujin looked at both of them go away but with a tiny smile no one noticed.

Mrs. Choi smiled at the two figures standing in front of her.
"Taehyun and Kai?! Welcome!"
She said as she let both of them in.

"We have a surprise for you all!"
Taehyun said as Kai was already jumping with excitement.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"
Mr. Choi asked as both of them smiled.

"Come inside!"
As Taehyun said, a figure walked inside the house and everyone's surprise had no limit. Why not? Family's youngest son was returning to home after two years!


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