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"What the hell Vishal?Why did he hit you like this?",said Raghav looking at Vishal.

"He is obsessed with Jasmine.He doesn't need our friendship anymore",said Vishal angrily.

"Hey calm down da.He is our friend",said Raghav.

"But he doesn't think the same way.He accuses you of cheating girls.",said Vishal.

"I haven't thought of girls like that da.I spend time with them in a friendly way but never ever thought of using them in a wrong way",he said worriedly.

"These guys are jealous of your charms da.They are incapable of attracting girls so they talk bad about the one who is capable",said Vishal.

"I was attracted to Jasmine's beauty but as I started spending time with her,I discovered that she is outspoken and brave.She is a very simple girl and she expects a simple and an average looking guy.So I decided she is not my type",he said and winked at Vishal.

Vishal grinned at him.

"Vivek and Jasmine are perfect for each other but he could have told me instead of hating me for talking to her",said Raghav.

"Leave it man.Don't talk about that selfish idiot.He will know about you one day and I will get back at him for breaking my nose",said Vishal touching the plaster on his nose.

Raghav's phone rang.
"Yeah.This is Raghav"


"Really?When and Where?"


"Ok Thank you",he said and disconnected.

He called Vishwa.

"Vishwa.Get ready by 12 am tonight.We have some rough work to do",he said and smiled.

Raghav looked at Vishal and said,"It is time to get back at Vivek"

Vivek came out from the theatre.The parking area was crowded with men.He took his bike and headed to his house.

Vishwa came to the place where Raghav had said.Raghav was standing with Vishal and two other guys.They had hockey sticks in their hands and Vishwa had brought cricket bats with him.
Raghav seemed to be giving instructions to the guys.

"Hey",said Vishwa.
"Hey",greeted Raghav.
"Who is it tonight.You did not tell me anything",said Vishwa.

"You will know that in 10 mins",he said.
It was 12.30 am and Raghav took one last look at the empty street.
"Ok guys.It is time.Take your positions",he said.

All the guys hid in the nearby places and Vishwa looked at them confused.Raghav pulled Vishwa's hand and hid behind a car that was parked nearby.

"Who is it da.What is the matter?",asked Vishwa.

"Shhhh",said Raghav and looked at the street.

"Seems like you guys are very upset about something.Whoever it is ,is going to land serious in the hospital today",he said.

"Yes,he will",said Raghav and smiled wickedly.

Vivek turned the corner and headed straight to the street where Raghav and team were hiding.

Raghav signalled the guys to be alert.

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