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- Before I go, Kenji. I'd like you to think about what I'm going to ask you now, Dusk said. Seeing that you have decided to take the path of revenge for us, I would like to ask you something. Have you thought, where will that revenge take you, after completing the task you set for yourself?

- Huh? Kenji asked confused.

- Let's say that you get your revenge, and kill that samurai who killed us. How do you think the people around would react? Would they fear you, or would they thank you?

Kenji then paused and thought.

- It would probably be 50/50. Or, an even better question is:Would the death of your enemy remove the hatred towards him?

At that moment, Dusk opened 2 portals, and asked Kenji:What do you see in this 1st Portal? Kenji then moved closer to get a better look.

- I see grass, sun and children happily running, playing.

- And how does it feel to see such a sight?

- Calm, relaxing.... Said Kenji with a smile.

- It really is, isn't it? Now look in the 2nd portal. What do you see in him? In the portal, a scene resembling a burned battlefield appeared, surrounded by swords, skulls of fallen soldiers...

Then, Kenji knelt down and began to weep, saying:This is what... What I will... Become, if I continue on this path.

- Do you understand now, Kenji?

- I'M SORRY! I WAS BLIND! Kenji said crying and hitting the ground with his fist. I FELT INJUSTICE AND HATE BECAUSE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU AND MOM!

Dusk hugged Kenji and said:It's okay, we all make mistakes sometimes. It is important that you realize now that you made a mistake, and try not to make the same mistakes. And we will be waiting for you when the time is right for you to tell us your stories.

- Okay, Kenji agreed with a smile.

- U, and one more thing, Dusk said. You won't go unnoticed. Whatever you do, know that at some point there will be someone who will see it and respect it. You are a good man, you will not be alone.

- Thank you, father.

Then Kenji opened his eyes, and a shadow samurai general appeared in front of him.

- How about we talk, Kenji?

- You! Kenji said, and fired some kind of crows at the general that could turn into shuriken.

- First time using the shuriken that Ninjini gave you? Not bad for a first time.

At that moment, the general teleported behind Kenji, and said:But it's nothing unlike this. Listen, I'm here to talk right now, not fight. And from your position, I'd say you don't really have much choice but to listen to me.

- What do you plan to do with space? Tell me!

- That's not the real reason I came here. But since you already mentioned it, I think it's enough for you to know that the current idea of ​​conquering space has been cancelled.

- Huh?

- I like you people. So, I want to have some fun with you.  You see, my plan is to make this planet of yours a perfect utopia.

- What do you mean utop--

- I want to reset the entire planet. To start all over again. However, this time there will be no bad in people, only good.

Kenji thought, then said:Doesn't that mean that all the people who lived until now, and who are living now, will disappear?

- For a certain period, yes.

Then the general opened some sort of illusion display, and showed it to Kenji.

- Doesn't the scene look beautiful? asked the general.

- It looks. But the total extinction of people is not necessary for that plan.  I'll stop you in that!

As Kenji turned to the general to attack him, this one asked him:And how exactly do you intend to do that?

- Huh?

Then the general disappears from that place, and Kenji loses his balance in the attack. The general took advantage of that to duck down and kick Kenji in the chin. Kenji then faints. With disgust, the general said:See you, Kenji.

THE WATCHER:THE TALE OF KENJIWhere stories live. Discover now