Part 1

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Some people become somebodies. Some people never become anybody. Some people believe that they could be somebody, but never become anybody. I was one of them.

One of those people who believed they can be someone important, but I'm not even important for the nurses who take care of me. They run from me as soon as they finish what they have to do with me.

Injecting sedatives, cleaning the shirt which doesn't allow me to move at all and keeps my arms crossed on my chest at all times, and bringing the food to my cell.

I look at the tray in front of me. It looks disgusting but the nurse forces me to eat it. I try to swallow it and the sour taste mixed with the bitterness of something I don't know burns my tongue and throat. I was a psycho, everyone knew it, but the more you express your innocence, the more your insanity will be proved...

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