Lily could not believe her reflection when she saw the sight of the glittering tiara atop her head. It was, without a doubt, the most divine piece of jewellery that she had ever worn, let alone owned. The silver, diamond encrusted loops, formed a perfect circlet around her head, and it contrasted with her dark hair beautifully. It was ostentatious, and yet it suited her, and she looked every bit a princess. It was perfect, and fit for royalty, and Lily knew that she ought to have been feeling much like the lady that she was as she was about to debut.

And yet, all Lily could think about in that moment was Callan. How was it fair that she could be gifted something as valuable as this tiara without having to do anything for it, and Callan could work like a dog his whole life and still be ruined?

Though Lily would never sell such a sentimental heirloom, she wondered what sort of price it might fetch. Something like this would certainly change the life of Callan ... of so many.

"Perrie, one of these might have been yours had you cared enough to make your debut," Cecily suddenly snapped back over her shoulder.

Perrie sniggered. "Look what you did, Joe. You cost me a tiara!"

"Probably for the best," Joe retorted. "You'd lose half the diamonds cutting it down to fit your imp head."

Lily hardly heard the bickering of her sister and brother-in-law. She was still deep in conflicting thought as she had Jackie were both surrounded by their family as they came to inspect and compliment the tiaras. Alice had to ask Lily three times if she would wear the tiara before Lily heard her, to which Cecily replied that she would be gifted her own upon her debut, provided Cecily was alive to escort her and Alice did not follow in her sister's footsteps.

"Mother," Jack and Adam simultaneously groaned.

In all the excitement that Lily witnessed as she was fussed over, it really made her stomach twist into quite a knot as she thought about how normal this was for her. She had never really questioned it before, nor thought about the immense privilege she possessed in being born into a family like the Beresfords.

Did Lily even deserve it when someone like Callan had experienced all that he had and still did not persevere?

"You are beautiful, my angel." Adam's voice was the one to finally break Lily from her thoughts, and she looked up to meet his eyes. He was smiling down at her, a similar look of pride in his eyes as he appraised her. But he saw Lily's inner turmoil on her face, and with one flick of head, he motioned for her to follow him.

Lily nodded, and she awkwardly manoeuvred around her siblings to follow her father.

"Where do you think you're going?" Cecily called after them both. "You had better not be talking Lily out of debuting, Adam! I am mere weeks from finally presenting my granddaughters. Do you know how long I have waited?"

"Do you know, we have no idea how long you've waited, Mother. You never mention it," Jack teased. "We all ought to be as humble as you are."

"You are incorrigible!" Cecily snapped at her youngest son.

"Be calm, Mother. I am not going to talk Lily out of debuting," Adam promised, before he uttered under his breath, "though you know I am in full support of you remaining at home forevermore, my dear."

"I heard that!" Cecily screeched just as Adam closed the door behind him.

As soon as the door was closed, Adam collected Lily with his arm and held her securely at his side. Lily leaned into the security of her father and allowed his presence to soothe her.

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