Act Eleven: Truth

Start from the beginning

God, what was I thinking? I should've just stayed at the shop and waited for him to come back, but if he got hurt...
I needed to get out of the open to warm up, I couldn't properly focus any longer. The church was open, right? It had to be, who locked a church?
My path swiftly diverted to rushing towards the small building, and I didn't think twice to push the door open.
Surprisingly, candles were lit in every corner, giving the room some light and warmth.
I wouldn't think about it for now, I just had to warm up again. Just recharge and get back out.
The door shut behind me with a click and I rose my hands to one of the candles with a relaxed exhale. Finally, a bit of warmth.
Intrusive thoughts wanted me to get closer to the flame, but I allowed myself to back off once I was satisfied and no longer trembling.
I could finally think again, and now I was beginning to wonder... Who lit the candles? It sounded quite silent, not even the nun was here to greet me. Was I the sort of woman who would snoop around a church though? Not even I would disrespect the lord like that. Through the paned glass, it was still possible to see the graveyard from inside. It wouldn't be that bad to walk along the windows, I wasn't doing anything illegal!
Not that I honestly thought I would see anything, but one could hope for the best. I moved slowly and carefully, not allowing my shoes to tap a sound against the flooring as I searched across the cemetery. With the church glass and the night darkness, it was quickly pointless to even try. All I could make out were dark shapes, no hints of life at all... Not a shocker for a graveyard.
Damn it, now I was making The Undertaker's type of jokes!
Get it together (Y/N)! I nearly slapped my cheeks to wake up more when I saw it. Not a human, but a carriage rolling slowly past the gates. What on earth...?
Who the hell was riding out at this hour? And so slowly, they were trying to sneak around too.
No matter how I looked at it, I didn't like the sight of that.
Racing out the doors and back through the graveyard, I rushed to the street just in time to see the carriage lulling lazily around the corner, urging me to pick up the pace to keep up.
The cold made my eyes water, and my skin prickled in the wind. I was curious at first, but catching a glimpse up close, that was... That was my carriage!
That was my damn carriage riding into town at night, it belonged to me, my manor!
Whatever curiosity I had turned to rage. How dare someone use my carriage?! They were lucky I caught a view of it! Or rather, lucky for me, because whoever was in it was about to be very unlucky.
The moment they stopped, I would be sure to give them a piece of my mind!
I continued to follow at a distance, and it looked like it was driving with no destination in mind. WInding corners and repeating streets, was I robbed by a tourist?
I was growing tired and cold, my determination wavering as time went on. No, this was their intention, they were doing something sneaky so they were making sure they weren't going to be followed. Sadly for them, I was running on pure anger.
With another turn, the carriage rolled down a familiar street. One that I have seen before. Well, at least I knew my way back to the shop from here, but something felt strange. Wasn't this the shopping district where we picked up new tools a few days ago?

I didn't get a chance to think too much about it because the carriage suddenly ground to a halt. Finally!
As I started over, the door popped open, but what I saw next chilled me to my core.
While I couldn't see the rider inside, I certainly saw the shape being pushed out, falling to the ground with a swift thud. There was no mistaking the shape as it flopped. A corpse, that was a corpse.

I wanted to push forward, but fear struck me in a way it never had before. The door slammed shut once again without them ever noticing me, but I couldn't shake the sudden fear of even being close to the carriage I was so familiar with.
It couldn't be my carriage, it had to be a replica or another model, I couldn't even think how a corpse could be tied to my...
After a moment, it continued driving once again, leaving the street silent with only myself and the body.
I needed to find help and tell someone!
No, who the hell was I going to find right away at this hour? I had to check the body and confirm they were dead before I ran off! If they still breathed and I could've done something... Okay, I just had to do it, it wasn't my first time seeing a corpse.
Breathe, you got this, (Y/N).
Okay, I was ready.
I took a step closer, but was halted again when a figure slipped out from the alleyway close to the body.
Fear turned to relief when I recognized the mortician. There he was, alive and well. He didn't appear to notice my presence though. I raised a hand, about to wave and call out, but in one swift moment, the glisten of something struck down into the dumped body.
What was he...

My breath hitched, my knees felt weak. The scythe, what was he doing to the body with that weapon?!
I had to get away, pretend I never saw anything.
I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it twisted my heart in a way I couldn't explain. Was it him? Was The Undertaker the one who was killing the victims? With a scythe like that, it would've been easy for a single blow to kill a woman.
I tried to back up, but I couldn't stop my shaking. Every movement felt heavy and weak, even breathing was a labored effort of hitches, yet I found no will to cry. I didn't feel sad, I wasn't sure if I could.
It was only the fear that coursed through my veins.
I finally managed to rip my body back under my control and back up slowly, as quietly as I could.
Perhaps I could ask for Ciel's help again. I could just go back to the shop, grab my things, and run off to the earl. What a fool I was to trust a commoner who did not fear death.
His scythe pulled back up, ripping from the flesh with a short spray of scarlet red.
I finally couldn't stop my surprised cry, which perhaps sounded more like the yelp of a wounded animal.

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