~ Chapter 2 ~

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George sighed as he returned to his quarters. He felt a bit worried, now that his favourite subject left. His loyal, Royal subject. But why? Samuel was no different from the rest! Except that he was smart, and that fluffy hair, his everything... Focus! He'll be back, George reassured himself. But why did he feel this way? Well, it's just because he's a sympathetic king and he speaks to Samuel the most, seeing him as a friend, surly, that's it. They see eye-to-eye, they understand each other.

George sat at his fancy mahogany desk and grabbed a paper and quill. Just to be safe, write a little letter. No harm in sending some kind words to a friend. As George settled at his desk, the inkwell gleamed under the soft candlelight. The quill danced delicately across the parchment, the weight of his thoughts pressed onto the page.

My dearest, Samuel,

I hope this letter finds you well. The court feels a touch emptier without your presence. Your insights and companionship are sorely missed. Please know that your absence has not gone unnoticed, and I eagerly await your return. Until then, I wish you luck in America to spread the word of peace,

Sincerely, Your king, George.

He set the letter aside so he could let the ink of the letter dry so it could be sent as fast as possible. Until then, what was he gonna do? Why does he only feel lonely now? He's gone plenty of time without seeing his subjects with no problem, why only now was it different? George shrugged and stood up. Perhaps he could see the Royal garden. That would be nice.

George stood, the letter completed and awaiting dispatch, yet a lingering sense of unease persisted within him. He pondered this peculiar solitude that seemed to clutch at his heartstrings more tightly than ever before. The expanse of the royal quarters suddenly felt cavernous and desolate, an emptiness that he couldn't easily dismiss.

With a heavy sigh, George cast a wistful glance at the letter before deciding to seek solace amidst the tranquility of the Royal garden. Perhaps the serene beauty of nature could offer respite from the inexplicable ache of missing a particular subject. As he strolled through the lush greenery, the soft whisper of leaves and the gentle fragrance of blooming flowers enveloped him, soothing his troubled mind. The floral species of the garden varied amongst many, and the servants seem to be taking perfect care of the greenery. 

He strode admits the garden, looking around at all the flowers, vines, shrubs, bushes, hedges, and trees of it. He felt more calm, temporarily forgetting about the absence of his newfound friend. He approached the fountain, listening to the flowing water and pure beauty and tranquility of the area. George sighed contently, before looking at the sky. The sun was approaching the horizon, he'd been out longer than he thought.

 He returned to the corridors of the castle, before grabbing the letter and taking it to be sent. He was oh so excited to get word of notice from Samuel. George made his way back through the winding corridors of the castle, his steps measured yet tinged with an air of anticipation. Clutching the letter in his hand, he sought out a trusted servant to ensure its swift delivery. The servant, recognizing the urgency in the king's demeanour, bowed respectfully and hurried off to dispatch the missive to Samuel with utmost haste.

With the letter now on its way, George found himself both anxious and eager for a response, a yearning for reassurance that Samuel was faring well on his mission for peace in America. The day had slipped away unnoticed amidst the serene embrace of the garden, and now dusk painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson.

As the evening enveloped the castle, George retreated to his quarters once more. Despite the garden's temporary respite, the absence of his confidant lingered in the corners of his mind. He tried to immerse himself in the duties and responsibilities befitting a monarch, yet his thoughts involuntarily wandered back to the camaraderie and understanding he shared with Samuel.

With a heavy heart but a glimmer of hope, George retired for the night, the image of the starlit sky outside his window reflecting the vastness of his emotions.

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