Of Moons and Blood (CY)

Start from the beginning

This is just a suggestion, of course, but I feel like it illustrates an example of what you could do to leave some of the mystery. This definitely feels more eerie and leaves a little bit to wonder about, while also hinting at the obvious sacrifice. I also just think that so having so much background on one specific happening in the blurb is unnecessary, when it's going to be expounded on in the book.

I think the second paragraph could use some work too, especially on what is driving the plot: the Starborn antagonists.

When Calypso's Van Blake's eldest brother comes of age, the siblings are set into turmoil. But the inevitable is postponed when foes of  supposed myth wreak havoc on their family.

Calypso must set out to find her missing siblings, and save them from a cursed island. What she finds is more than that—a journey of love, loss, and discovery. There's more to her family than she was ever meant to know, and survival relies on a man she never thought she could trust.

Even if they make it out alive, will she have the courage to return home, where a fate worse than death awaits them all?

A usually go a little overboard when editing blurbs, sorry XD but I think this really illustrates some of what your blurb is lacking: a hint towards the antagonists, snappier language and words with strong connotation to better convey the sense of urgency. You only have a limited time to hook readers, so make sure your blurb is at its strongest!

 You only have a limited time to hook readers, so make sure your blurb is at its strongest!

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Chapter 1

I'll just go ahead and say that there's hardly any work to be done on grammar! Great job! But here's my ONE grammar note:

When breaking up text, in dialogue or otherwise a long dash (or em dash) needs to be used in place of a normal hyphen (— vs -). You can see the difference, if Wattpad doesn't swap it XD You may already know this, because Wattpad is notorious for reverting em dashes into single hyphens, hence the reason I don't use them, and instead opt for double en dashes (–, and doubled, ––) which Wattpad seems to hate less. There also shouldn't be a space between it and the words, according to most sources.

What you have: "You know what I mean- it's just hard to feel excited about anything right now."

Corrected: "You know what I mean––it's just hard to feel excited about anything right now."

The Opening: 

Oof. Honestly, the beginning is a little hard to read. I'm not really a fan of stories beginning with dialogue, because it instantly bogs down your exposition, and in this case, gives an excuse to go straight into info dumping. I could not wrap my head around everything that was being said in these first few paragraphs, and it's a lot of telling instead of showing. 

The funny thing is, I was going to say that you can reveal a lot of this information as the chapter plays out, but a lot of it is re-mentioned later on in the chapter anyway. I think this conversation can be cut down to bare bones, only showing a little of the banter between Calypso and her brother, and leaving a few the lines that hint to the sinister nature of The Moon Gathering. So many things can be shown as the book goes on, or even if the book had started from some earlier event. That's really something that could be worked on for the whole chapter, looking for events that are merely told instead of having any real sustenance, and fixing it by giving them a proper spotlight. Besides, where's the fun in telling the readers every detail of the cruel ceremony here? You could definitely strengthen your hook by leaving a sense of mystery when it comes to all the details, and finally ending the chapter the dramatic note of her father wanting her to carry through with it. Dun dun dun! She has to kill her siblings, cue dramatic gasps.

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