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Minju, was now fitting on a large hoodie that she received as a gift from the idol a few weeks back, paired with shorts that fled just below her knee's, she took a deep breath upon finally getting out of the car, wondering how it must feel seeing a few contestants from produce.

She knew Chaewon and Sakura very well, she really hadn't talked to Yunjin but recalled the small conversations they had on the show, she remembers how Chaewon talking about her members, it was a spark in her eyes whenever she brought them up, maybe it was the heartbreak she faced when IZ*ONE disbanded, the vivid memories of all of them lined up saying their small speech to their fans.

She looked up at the roof of her car wondering if the 12 of them will even be able to reunite again, Starship was always one to avoid the mentioning their past group dodging all the allegations like bullets, Minju smiled at the thought of Chaeyeon sharing a post on her Instagram about their 5th anniversary.

On the other hand Chaewon was watching her members constantly running around their dorm clothes and food practically flying around the place as they awaited Minju's arrival, the leader was not impressed glaring at them every once in a while still thinking how they were able to make her invite Minju in the first place and how Minju actually wanted to see them.


They loved her, long story short.

As expected she thought, Eunchae took quite an interest in her as soon as she walked through the door carrying a big bags filled with snacks and presents for all of them,

"What the hell Minju this is way too much!" Chaewon wailed at the absolute enormous piles of food, she knew the members were holding back just not to dive into it finishing all the snacks in a matter of days, dreading at the thought of garbage that'll be littered around their dorm.

"This is way too little Chae, there's more at my place I forgot to bring!" Minju argued back.

The members know why Chaewon took an interest in the girl, she was just perfect, Minju helped around the cleaning, no matter how much Sakura insisted to the younger that she shouldn't clean up after the members, she was just too much of an angel to not help. She laughed at whatever stupidity Yunjin did even if it wasn't funny, and ganging up with Eunchae and Kazuha in the mischief they caused, Chaewon was there to witness it all, the members weren't  ones to happily outsiders that easily. Seeing Minju getting along with her members brings a contentment to Chaewon not holding back as a small smile played on her lips.

It was now a few minutes before their drama made its release, they were all nestled in a fort Eunchae and Kazuha forced Sakura into helping them build, all of them were sharing a few memories they had during their times in IZ*ONE, some stories Chaewon and Sakura didn't know themselves until Minju had brought them up, one famous story shared among them was when Chaewon along with: Yena, Eunbi and Chaeyeon when they were all on Vlive when Yena had promptly brought up how she loved Chaewon's aegyo followed with a string of agreements from Eunbi, the moment looked pure at first not until Yena had said that their past leader quoted.

"Listen to her washing up, isn't she cute?"

Chaewon exploded laughing from that memory being brought up, she remembered how confused and playfully disgusted she acted after that comment, apparently the younger was watching their live cracking up upon hearing the comment.

The members may have their own interpretations on how and why their leader fell for her past bandmate it all came down to how Minju as a person was, the morning they shared with one another, waking up and exchanging their Good Mornings each other, slopping down onto the couch not wanting to go for training, the angelic and kind nature of Minju always had her trip over her own foot a handful of times, the compliments she randomly blurted out when Chaewon was doing something well, these were the small things that made her heart skip a beat every time they were together. Chaewon loved Minju for the smallest of things even just remembering to hand her food or get her favorite ice cream flavor, she loved her even if she was imperfect, because overtime the rhythm of her heart slowly changed, the way butterflies were fluttering around her stomach.

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