Chapter 1: Dawn of the Dumpster (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"See?" Sarah commented with a small smirk.

Slapping the mat in frustration, Jason did another kip up and barely waited for Sarah to get back into position before attacking again, aiming a roundhouse kick at her side. Sarah caught his leg coming in, taking hold of his ankle and leaving him hopping on one foot as she stared at him firmly. "Still need to work on getting frustrated too easily,"she noted.

Jason intended to retort through gritted teeth but before he could Sarah suddenly shoved his leg backwards. Going with the motion,Jason used the momentum to do a back flip and pull his leg free of her grip. He intended to land on his feet in a ready position but instead he staggered about awkwardly for a moment before dropping to one knee. "I see you've been practicing that counter I taught you last year," Sarah said, "just loosen up a little on the landing and you'll get it."

"Hey, guys!" the lanky young man working behind the main juice bar yelled at them, "The news just said they're doing some construction today on the west highway. You should probably start heading out now if you want to be able to spend time with your pops!"

"Thanks," Jason sighed as he got back to his feet, "We'll do that."

Sarah and Jason went back to their separate sides of the mat and bowed to each other again. "The spicy chicken bucket from Cluck Hut again?"Jason asked.

"You still haven't managed to land a hit yet," Sarah replied, "So yes."

Jason sighed again and started walking towards the locker room. "Hey, Jason!" Sarah called out, "You are getting better! Just keep at it!"

He waved over his shoulder to indicate that he had heard her but did not turn around as he pushed open the men's locker room door and let it swing shut behind him.

"He okay?" the man behind the counter asked, "He looked a little miffed."

"He'll be fine ," Sarah replied,letting out a sigh of her own, "Just needs a day or two to adjust to being here. Again."

"Maybe he just needs a blanket that smells like him to take in the car when he gets driven over!"

Sarah gave the man a flat look. "He's my brother, not a dog."

The man replied with a high pitch laugh that ended in a pair of snorts.


It was only the start of summer, so there was still a cool spring breeze in the air. Jason enjoyed the feel of it on his face as he stepped out of the Bulk Up wearing a red tank top and blue sweatpants. He looked over at Sarah, who was wearing a dark green t-shirt and black slacks, and said, "Mom sent enough money to my account so I can get a Zuum driver to take us instead of the bus."

"Nah," Sarah replied, "We already have a ride."

After looking around for a moment,Sarah waved at one of the cars in the parking lot. In response, the engine of an old looking, sky-blue colored Beetle sputtered to life before pulling out of its parking spot and drove up to the curb to meet them.

Something about the car looked familiar to Jason but he was unable to place it until the driver rolled down their window and he got a good look at the face of the woman clad in a blue turtleneck sweater and blue jeans behind the wheel. "Amber!" he exclaimed, "You finally got this old clunker running?!"

Amber smiled shyly, not looking Jason in the eye as she pushed her thick glasses up the bridge of her nose and replied, "Affirmative. Phenomenus' Repair Emporium had the reproduction or otherwise compatible parts I needed. Even the right color of urethane auto paint I wanted too."

Sarah and Jason walked to the other side of the car to enter through the passenger side door. Sarah moved quickly to cut off Jason so she could slide into the backseat. "You got shotgun, bro," she said.

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