Loonatics On Ice ❄️

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It was a normal day for the loonatics,

Ace was meditating with his soward while Tech was waiting for Rev with the pizza, Lexi was cleaning her room while listening to her music, duck was talking to himself ( like always lol ) Slam was watching TV.

Tech: " where u get it, ice land "?

Rev: " I just pick up at the pizza place down town if u really want another and can race to there and back 2.0 seconds but that just estimation because your never on track "

After that Tech put the pizza in Rev's mouth

Tech: " that didn't need questing "

Tech turned around look at Ace who was busy meditating, he thought to himself why he's so cute, " wait he just a friend " but Tech has something for Ace.

Tech: " hey"~ " Ace "

Ace stop and look at him and used his laser vision to unfrozen the pizza

Tech: mmm yummy " duck wants some " ?

Danger Duck: " no thanks "

Then all the suddenly Lexi walks in, while say " Slam is in the house "!

But then Zadavia called

Zadavia: " Loonatics we have a problem "

Ace: " u got that right Zadavia I say he have a big problem"

During the mission:

Kitty Cat: " hey miss me"!

Ace laughed as he watched Kitty play tag with the bots. Tech couldn't help but blush as he laughed  at her.

He wasn't paying attention then Duck bumped into him, and Tech ended up crashing into Ace.

Tech: "ow my head"

Ace: "T-T-Tech

Tech: "I'm sorry"

Ace got on his needs and Tech held out his hands, for him to get up. After Ace got up they were still holding hands with each other, and Rev saw them and made a joke about them.

Rev: "Lovebirds"!!!!!!

Ace and Tech quickly let go of them hands and blush at each other.

Rev is Lexi boyfriend

After a little while later

Danger Duck:"aww Tech I was going let them have it"

Then Danger Duck saw under the helmet and Tech was under it

Tech:"have about taking one for the team"

Kitty Cat:"hey are u ok"?

Kitty Cat asked Ace

Ace Bunny:"I'm ok,don't worry about it"

Zadavia call

Zadavia: "Well done to u all"

After the Loonatics came back home

Ace was walking around while on his phone not paying any attention and Ace bump into Tech and fell on his chest while blushing.

Ace: " I- I-I "

Ace: "I'm sorry"! ( while blushing not stop )

Tech: " It's o-ok "

Ace sat up on his and putting his hands on his face. It was a good thing that nobody saw them or they will be embarrassed mostly but Duck & Rev.

After Ace helped Tech up he was still embarrassed about what just happened to them, Ace just rub his arm and bent down to pick up his phone, Tech couldn't help but blush at him,

Tech: "I better get back to work "

Ace: " Yeah "

Ace watched as is Tech walking away

Ace: " Why do I feel so weird, around him "?

Ace: " he's just a friend but do I like him more than that "?

Tech: " what's wrong with me"?

Tech: " I'm-"

Before Tech finished his sentence Rev ran past him.

Tech: " Rev I know it's u "

Rev: " hehehe, I was just "

Rev just thought of something quick

Rev: " because I just bring your snack I got u from the store"

Rev: " yeah "!

Tech; " a snack well thank u then "

Then Rev rushed out of Tech lab and saw Ace eating something and laying his head on her shoulder while Lexi was rubbing his back. He just smiled at them.

Later that night

Tech woke up to get drink of water, after he got out of his room he saw Ace sitting down and looks like he been crying, Tech walked up to him.

Tech: " hey "?

Ace: " hey " ( while wapping his tries away )

Tech: " why are crying "?

Ace: " It's nothing, don't worry about it "

Tech knew that he was lying to him

Tech: " are u ok "?

Ace started crying again Tech sat down next to him while hugging him and pulling him close.

When Ace and Lexi were young their mother died, and Ace was really close to her but when their father met their stepmother and stepbrother life became a real living hell for the both of them.

After claiming him down he took him into his room to sleep, Ace was nuzzling next Tech, while Tech was holding him tight.

Hey guys I hope u like this part!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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