Yu: Hey.

Yu: Everything okay?

Partner<3: course

...Does he really not care?

Partner<3: was wondering
how life is w/ adachi

Yu: Pretty much the same.

Yu: Other than he feels more
like a friend than a carer.

Partner<3: Hes not ur

Yu: I know.

Partner<3: btw

Partner<3: I was thinkin

Partner<3: u wanna hang
out tmrw??

Yu: Seriously?

Partner<3: Dude the end of
summer is around the corner

Partner<3: nd u deserve it
2 be special

Partner<3: after everything

Yu: I appreciate the idea.

Partner<3: But?

Yu: I don't think I'm in the
mood right now.

Partner<3: please bro

Partner<3: I jus wanna
see u

God... Does he have any idea how that sounds?

Yu: Why don't you go talk
to Yuna?

Partner<3: cant

Yu: Why not?

Partner<3: we broke up

We... did?

Yu: I see.

Yu: How are you holding up?

Partner<3: I dunno man

Partner<3: I liked her a lot

Partner<3: ig it just
wasnt meant 2 be

Yu: Just talk to her, Yosuke.

Yu: I'm sure she'll listen.

Partner<3: I got u man

Partner<3: ur all I need

I rub my forehead, my throat becoming dry.

...Why does he keep doing this?

Yu: Still.

How Could You? (Souyo)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin