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TW: suicide attempt
Plot: (request) How about one, where the two come back home from a hard day and just want to cuddle with R and watch some movies etc., but they can't find R anywhere. One of them enters the bedroom and sees a letter, which turns out to be a suicide note, which, obviously, scares them a lot.
So they (frantically) continue looking for R and notice that the bathroom door is closed, so they get a spear key to open it (or just kick it open lol) and see R in the bathtub, wrists c*t open and the water having turned red. The rest is up to you (but make r survive plssss).
If that's a too much, or too graphic, I can try to come up with another idea.

The water is turning red and the pain is slowly fading as the cold makes you shiver.
You look up at the ceiling, releasing the smoke in small circles that expand into the bathroom.
Maya and Carina hate it when you smoke inside the house but you think it won't be a problem this time; the deep cuts on your wrists are proof of that.

You know you should feel guilty about what you're doing, about how it will affect them...but you don't, you feel free at last; the weight on your chest that has been plaguing you for months is gone, flown away as soon as you put the blade on your wrist with the intention of not stopping. No one stays sane for long under conditions of absolute reality, and that is exactly what happened to you. Maya and Carina's love was not enough and not because of them. You didn't want to be helped; it has to be this way and you know it, just like all the lousy foster families who for fifteen years of your life told you so, over and over again until you turned eighteen and joined the Army and later the Seattle Police Department. You've seen so much horror that you're not sure you want to stay in this world and you did what had to be done. That was it.

Suicide is said to be an impulsive choice, as irrational as murder is but it is not, the carefully folded letter on the bed that you, Maya and Carina share is proof of that. No act is ever completely impulsive, there is always premeditation behind it. And yours lasted more than four months; four months of false smiles and emotionless eyes.
But now nothing matters anymore, nothing, because you are finally about to leave this shitty world but also the loves of your life. It is not true that you do not feel guilty but you are sure that they will be fine without you, they will go on as they always have and they will not have your weight on their shoulders, not anymore. That is all that matters, the only thing that matters to you. Finally, for the first time in your whole life, you will do something useful and get out of their way. They will feel bad at first but then they will live a much more peaceful and happy life, you are absolutely convinced of that. Or at least, that's what you tell yourself to get the courage to go ahead in what you're doing.
On the news, on TV, in the movies people say that suicide is an extremely selfish and cowardly act but you don't think it is, there is a deep and primal courage in doing such an extreme act; not everyone is capable of it and not because they don't want to but because they don't have the courage necessary to cross the line and not look back. It is difficult, of course, but it is worth it. At least for you.

You are so weak that you can no longer hold the cigarette, which falls into the water and goes out with a sizzle. A sigh leaves your lips as you rest your head on the edge of the tub, beginning to sink into the now warm water. When you close your eyes, your last thought goes to Maya and Carina and their smile.


"I'm tireeed."

Carina sighs, nibbling her neck with her right hand and holding Maya's hand with her left. The young firefighter picked her up as soon as she finished her shift and now they are on their way home. Both of them are very tired and the only thing they want is to lie down in your bed and cuddle with you want to choose a good movie for all three of them to watch together.
"Today we had to fight with an old lady who didn't want us to use her balcony to save a boy who was going to jump and only because according to her he was an immigrant."

Maya x Carina x Reader oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now