"Whatever you need to tell yourself," he joked with a wink. "No more casual lunch! We are going to a fancy restaurant for dinner, and many more activities! So go shower, do your hair, get dressed and get ready to be treated as you deserve." Max wasn't sure where this idea had came from, or why he was acting like this all of a sudden. But he was in a good summer mood, and once Max got an idea he would do everything in his power to make it happen.

"Okay," she laughed, but Max was serious. "I'll pick you up at 6." He said, disappearing to his room. Ella laughed once more, and decided to watch some Kardashian's before she started getting ready.

At 6 on the dot, Antonella heard a knock on her bedroom door. She opened it and it was no surprise that Max was waiting for her on the other side of the door. It was a surprise, however, that he was holding flowers. "You look gorgeous,"

"Thank you Max, they are stunning." She took them out his hands and wasn't sure what to do, Max laughed at her. "Okay so next time, on a real date, you say; I'll just go put these in water, come in!" Max gave her advice, Ella rolled her eyes and told him to put the flowers down somewhere. Max did as he was told. "Ready to go?"

"Almost just have to grab my bag," she smiled and picked her bag up off her bed. She checked her outfit in the mirror once more. Max was wearing a simple white shirt, and slacks. But he did pull it off. He didn't have a jacket on due to the summer heat, which was also why Ella opted for a tight fitting yellow backless square neck dress. The colour suited her skin perfectly. "You look great, let's go!" Max said excitedly. "Okay! In a hurry are we, Max?"

"Tonight I am not Max. You are not Antonella. Tonight I am Emilian, and you are Vittoria." He stated. Ella furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "How do you know my middle name? Okay which brother told you?" She asked with a pointed finger, Max said nothing, but hurried her out the door to begin their 'friend' date. "Remember no falling for me!" He laughed before they left the house.

They shared a walk at sunset to the fancy restaurant Max was talking about earlier. Max hadn't removed his hand from her lower back for even a second, Ella didn't mind it. "So what will we be doing tonight?" She asked, Max explained it was a surprise, and she would have to wait to see what he had planned. "So tell me about yourself, stranger. What do you do for a living?" Max asked her, Ella laughed but played along with his game.

"I'm a nanny, for an amazing little girl." Ella explained, Max raised his eyebrows as if he was hearing this for the first time. "Sounds enjoyable! What's her father like?"

"Old and grumpy," she replied instantly, Max rolled his eyes at her, though he couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not that much older than you. Just under three years. And am I really that grumpy?"

"I'm kidding! You have become less and less grumpy as time has went on, promise." Ella laughed, Max sighed and insisted he was glad to hear that. "So tell me what is your passion?" Max asked, Ella struggled not to laugh. She was struggling to take this night seriously so far, but things would settle at dinner - she hoped.

"I don't think I have one," the girl shrugged, Max furrowed his eyebrows in doubt. "You're telling me you always planned on being a nanny for a princess?" Max questioned with a side of sass, "Well no... I wanted to be a chef. But I never got around to it, I think I've left it too late now."

"Nonsense. You are a very good cook Antonella, I'm sure you could do it." Max complimented, Antonella said nothing more on the subject. "I thought my name wasn't Antonella tonight?" She teased, "You know I thought about it and I really don't want you calling me Emilian. I hate that name."

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