Who Am I

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Who am I, do you know me?
Am I someone that you truly see?
Or am I just a reflection of your thoughts,
A mere projection of your fears and doubts?

Do you see the smile on my face,
And think that I'm content in this space?
But deep inside, there's a sea of pain,
And a constant struggle that I can't contain.

Am I the person you expect me to be,
Or am I just trying to fit in with society?
Do my actions and words please your mind,
Or are they just a facade, easy to find?

Do you see my achievements and applause,
And forget the battles I fought without pause?
Do you see me as perfect, without any flaws,
Or do you see the vulnerable side that withdraws?

Am I defined by my mistakes and struggles,
Or by the resilience I show through all my troubles?
Am I just a sum of my past,
Or an evolving being that will always last?

Do you see the scars etched on my skin,
And think I'm weak, easily giving in?
But little do you know, each one tells a story,
Of strength and courage, amidst the uncertainty.

Do you see the colour of my skin,
And make judgments about the person within?
But do you know the battles I've had to face,
Just to be accepted in this human race?

Am I just my religion and beliefs,
Or is there more to me beneath?
Do you see me as a label or a name,
Or do you see the essence that shines like a flame?

Who am I, truly, can you tell,
Or do you just see what I let you reveal?
For I am complex, a mix of many things,
But at my core, a human with emotions and strings.

So before you judge and place me in a box,
Take a moment to truly stop and pause.
For who am I, is not for you to decide,
For I am constantly growing, learning and alive.

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